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( credit to Mirria1 on Deviant art)
I want this a bit faster, so I won't go threw every day in school, becouse it's boring, and I need some reader x vaati cuteness so, weeeeeee

Vaati's pov
A few weeks passed after the first day we arrived, tests came, more Homework, and even by not doing my homework myself, I got the best marks. A lot of people (included (y/n) came to me and asked me to help them. (yn)'s friend came back and one thing is sure, she doesn't like me. At all. (yn) and me came closer, I think. We spend a lot of time together, she told me about some new things, I even took her out on a date in some' Asia' restaurant on friday. She laughed at me when I tried to eat with those sticks. "How in the world can people eat with this?" I grumbled. We where sitting next to each other. (yn) giggled and explained it to me how it worked, she took my hand and placed the sticks at the right place. I blushed when she touched me, and after she explained, she looked at me and I blushed more." u-u-um thanks". "n-no problem" It was very quiet at then and I managed to eat my 'ramen'. "congratulation Victor, you made it!" she giggled and smiled at me. But anyway, that Ramen was delicious! I didn't knew that there where so much diffrent country's with their own food. I packed my bag and took out my paperblock and write down the food. In class I always had something to write when I didn't knew what that was. Anyway, we finished our food and went out of the restaurant. We where out of town, we went under a bridge when somebody ran towards us.

Your pov
Oh no
(ex) ran towards you and Victor with his guy friend group: Bob, his best friend, black hair, brown eyes, a looser and Chris, a class below blond, green eyes, nerd. You actually wanted to go home, your mother wasn't at home and dad was working (Police). "hey (yn)! And Victoriaaaaa" he smiled. The reason why everyone's call Victor Victoria was pretty nasty.

*magical time travel music*

We had sport and the guys of course wanted to play basketball. I was in team blue with Shad while Victor was in team Green with (ex). He disliked Victor, A LOT. Victor wasn't really the one who did sport, so nobody passed the ball to him. He just walked here and there. Shad was like a campion. For someone who was pretty short, he blocked, dogded and soon we had the most points. But then it happend. One of (ex) friends, Bob threw the ball right at the side of Victor's head, making him fall. "FOUL" the teacher took that thriller thing and blew into it. "Oh my God Victor! Are you Allright?". I ran towards him but then I was kind of shocked. His cap fell of and with that, it revealed his... Very long, straight black hair. "ow" he said and sat up. The teacher and Shad walked to him and Shad snapped his fingers in front of him. "Victor! Earth to Victor!" he waved his hand in front of his face and then he showed three fingers. "How many fingers do you see?". Victor who looked like he was drunk looked at his fingers and then showed two fingers "uhm... six" he said. "Not really" Shad said. He took the cap and Victor's hand around his shoulder and walked out of the door "WAIT!" Victor yelled at once "I need to find the princess and kill the hero!" "Yeah yeah" Shad said.

*back to reality*

Since then that everyone knew that Victor had long hair, the boys tease him, saying that he was a girl, but the girls even loved him more, saying that they want to braid his hair (I wanted to do it too, but I kept it a secret). Victor wasn't really impressed by all of that, but was a bit ashamed by the fact that he had long hair. "yeah yeah, what do you want?" he asked. (ex) reached out for his cap, but then, something happend that I would never expect. Victor doged under his arm, took it, turned around and threw him over his shoulder, but not to fast. (ex) screamed and Victor let go of him. "Bastard!" Bob yelled and wanted to punch him in the face. Victor took his hand and turned it a little, making his victim wince and kneel down. "Yeah, you deserved that, after hitting me with that ball" he said and let go of him. The third boy from a class below tried to hit him in the neck, but Victor dogded the attack, smashed his leg in the boys knees and made him fall down. My mouth fell open. It was..incredible. I blinked at them and then at him. He placed his hand around my shoulder and said "nothing to worry about, they broke nothing, well, accept their ego" I walked with him, still in a shock. "BASTARD" Bob yelled, and Victor stopped. He turned his neck and said "Don't, call me a bastard" I looked back and when I saw Bob's eyes widden and stumbling back, he tripped and fell down. Me, who was confused looked at Victor. I thought I saw something red in his eyes, but I wasn't sure. He turned around again and walked away with me. We arrived at my house. None of us spoke. "is something wrong?" he asked me and smiled like nothing happend Welchen we walked upstairs. "... No. It's fine" I said and opened the door to my bedroom. When suddeldny Via and Grina ran out of your room "SURPRISE". They yelled and jumped on top of Victor, making him yelp and fall. "Hi there big sis... Wait..." they blinked at him and then looked at me. "uuuuuuu" they said and smiled "is this your new boyfriend?" Via squeaked. Victor turned red (which looked adorable), and me turned even more red. "get off him. NOW" she yelled. They stood up and walked to their room. Grina turned around and asked "So, is he or not?" "NO!" I yelled and stamped in my room.

Vaati's pov
Not yet I thought
I followed (yn) and she closed the door. "sorry about my sisters" she mumbled and turned to me with that cute red face. I smiled and said "not a problem". She showed me her room, and when I found a drawing from me on her desk, I took it and looked at it. "Vaati looks a bit like you" she said suddenly. "You think?" I asked (nothing suspicious). "yeah" she said and I knew that she thought about that fight under the bridge. Yes, I lost a bit control and showed my red eyes, but I was angry ok?  We did homework together and when it was time to leave... OMG.
She followed me to the door and when I opened the door. "Victor?". "Hm?" I turned around and then she placed a kiss on my cheek. I turned, so red. More red that a rupee. I looked at her with big eyes and she said "Thanks for everything". "G-g-k-kbble" I managed to say. I left the house.
With the same red color in my face, I walked to the forest when Shadow jumped out of the shadows. "Vaati! You need to...." he broke when he saw me. "What did she..." I pointed on my cheek and smiled. "Oh" he said "That's great! But we have a problem". "Ganondorf?!" I asked, my red face turning 'normal' again. "No, it's  called: 'An ex boyfriend'"

I hope
I don't know what you guys think. Yey

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