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I breathe out, hard. I can't believe it. It can't be true.

"We're gonna need help if we want to prove she's still alive," George says, staring down, down, down to the police scrambling beneath us.

"Do you know who we can ask for help?" I ask. "Because there is no way we can do this on our own. No one will believe us."

George reaches into the car behind her and riffles around in the glove box. When she reappeared she was clutching a crumpled yellow sticky note in her hand.

"Call them," George hands it to me. "They can help us."

I look down at the name and number written in George's sprawling handwriting. I pull out my phone and dial. I am relieved when the person on the other side not only picked up but sounded nice and cute.

"You don't know who I am but I need your help. We have an emergency and you're the only ones we know who can help us. Get to River Heights, Illinois, as fast as you can. We are depending on you."

I hung up and looked at George's grim face.

Yeah, we definitely had an emergency. 

Gone: A Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now