Let Me Hear Ya!

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Hey guys, it is the author @LAamber14 . Sorry this is not a chapter. But please continue reading, I have some fun updates for you!

You may have noticed that this book is coming together much slower than my past couple of books and it is partially because of my school load (ugh! homework)but it is also because I have been brainstorming for the next Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys book (ekk I am so excited!). I wasn't sure if I was going to write a book four because I wrote these three so long ago, but I have an inspiration and it is coming down on paper.

Here is the part that I need to hear from you about. If you read my stories (you, yes, you), please comment down below if you are team Francy (Frank and Nancy) or team Nancy and Joe (do they have a ship name?? Please let me know!) and why. Your comments may influence my next book. I really enjoy hearing from you and I can't wait for you to read the next chapter of Gone.


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