7. Joe

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Is it normal that when your brother rants your head packed with information you have a major headache? I somehow doubt a doctor could tell me. Frank pretty much packed my brain with every piece of information. He took me all about a man named John Doright, who Emma Henry, Stella's best friend, thinks Stella is "working" for. All of this information does not tell me why Nancy is missing. I am not sure that finding Stella will lead to Nancy, but it is definitely worth a try. According to Emma, who right now seems to be our best source of information right now, Doright hired Stella to perform miracle work on his daughter, Esti, who has been in a coma for sixteen years. Since she was eight. This girl has been on a feeding tube and unless Stella Drew has worked magic, this girl has not opened her eyes, talked, or walked since she was eight. But I still fail to understand how this has anything to do with Nancy.

All afternoon Frank has been working with A.T.A.C. to get directions to the last phone call of Doright. Hopefully, they have found a reason that Doright is calling people from almost a mile underground. Under the cover of darkness, we are going to try to solve this mystery.

If George wasn't driving in circles...

"Maybe if you turn the GPS back on, you would go in circles," Frank suggests, clicking on his laptop.

"It will still send me in circles," George mutters. She stares into the dark and slows down on the dirt road.

"Can we just hop out a walk?" Bess moans from the backseat.

"It might work better," Frank leans over my shoulder so George can hear him.

"Alright, I surrender." George pulls off the almost non-existent road and turns off the engine. "All ashore going ashore."

The four of us jump out of George's old truck in our all black and turn on our flashlights. And begin to feud. Two of us head in one direction and two in the other.

Frank and I head in one direction and Elizabeth and George went in the other way, only for us all to set out, get mixed up and turned around. We land up looping around in a circle. So we figure that maybe we shouldn't split up. Four heads are better than two I guess? Maybe if they could think together!

"According to the map, the phone should be to the left." George points.

"So let's go right," Frank suggests.

"Don't you want to find Doright?" Elizabeth quizzes.

"If we wrap around in a circle we may find an entrance to a cave or a tunnel way to explain where the phone is," I explain.

"But that makes no sense. We should go directly to the source and work out to the perimeter," George snaps.

"You can't even tell where the perimeter is if you don't go to the source first," Elizabeth adds.

"That is why we will split up and walk around," Frank spats.

"But it could be miles away," Elizabeth complains.

"Or it could be right here." I point out.

"Fine, may the person who finds Nancy's mom win," George huffs, turning on her heel. Elizabeth trails after her.

"Girls," I snarl.

"Come on," Frank gestures. "You go left and I go-"

"Right. I got it!"

We split up and walk around looking for an entrance. It was kind of boring. I walked, playing my flashlight over the woodland dirt and leaves. There is...nothing. Look at that there is...nothing. I check the time. 9:15. We have all night to go. I sigh and begin to hum to myself. I mean, come on, the least I could do is stay interested. It's not that this case is boring, just the task at hand. I am worried about Nancy's safety as well. I know that she can handle herself, and knowing that Nancy is fully capable does make me less worried until the worry kicks in again. She is not invincible, however much she believes she is. Something terrible could be happening to her right now, and I can't do a thing about it other than just keep walking and hope to find a...

Gone: A Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now