12. Frank

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When I left the Doright home with papers in hand I saw a streak of black and green in the woods which I guessed to be Bess and Stella. I kind of didn't know what to do with myself. My job was helping anyone who needed it but I had no way of knowing who would run into trouble. I decided George probably needed assistance. I took off into the woods in the direction I thought the trap door should be. Let me tell you, even with the flashlight it was hard going. Because I couldn't be lucky and have a full moon so I literally had to scan my searchlight everywhere to not bonk into anything. I wonder what everyone else is doing. I know Stella and Bess are running for the truck. Esti is definitely asleep. I could only hope the Dorights were all asleep. George is doing whatever it is she thinks she can do to close up the trap door. Joe and Nancy are escaping the lair. So here I am doing nothing important to save the day. Why did I give myself this job again?

I pick up my pace to a jog when I see a light pointing at me from the ground. It occurred to me that if George was jamming a door her light wouldn't be on the ground pointing into the woods.

When I reach the trap door a log was rolled over the door and the flashlight shone over it. George, however, was nowhere to be seen.

"George?" I call, in an overly loud voice.

No reply.

So, to be honest, I am all psyched up, it's dark and creepy, add to the fact that I am on a case and tired and you see why when I felt a tap on my shoulder I freaked out. I swear I must have jumped a foot up before calming.

I heard a giggle as a figure appeared out of the over heavily darkness.

"Boo," George cackles. She picks up the fallen light and flips her jacket's hood onto her dark head. The teenage girl's eyes shone in the little light, giving an outward touch to her spunk. "I'm going to close off the study door to the secret hospital lair. Kind sir, would you care to join me?" She regally bobs her head towards me.

"You gave me quite a scare," I blame as she and I jog back to the house.

She makes a sound like she was smirking.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When smoke is crinkling out the windows of the abandoned house where no one is supposed to be awake, you kind of worry. When your brother is supposed to be waiting outside that house, you start getting anxious. But when you step in the door and see your villain closing off a burning study that your brother is inside, you have a panic attack.

Doright turned at the sound of the front door opening. Neither George or I had expected him to be awake, much less starting fires. Not that I ever found out whether or not he started it (I supposed he did). George darted away as Doright advanced.

"Look, we can do this peacefully like civilized adults."

Doright grins madly.

"Or, since there are not two civilized adults in the room, I guess we can fight this out like the clique criminal and detective we are," I mutter to myself.

Doright simpers evilly. "No matter what I do this will not be peaceful and you know it. Anyways, you're not even an adult so how could you work so how could you work ANYTHING out as an adult. You are a little boy."

Glancing to the side, Doright picks up a sturdy walking stick. He raises it up into the air and is planning on bringing it down on me. I dodge quickly to the left, scrambling for safety. He whirls and his weapon wildly pierces the air. I duck and slide to the other side of the small, narrow foyer. With a scream of rage, Doright swoops his rod toward my midsection. I caught it in time and push the weapon back, sending it flying toward the study. It hits the flaming bookcase with a crack and sends sparks flying. Doright charges for me, his fist settling into my stomach. Regaining my composure, I send a flying punch somewhere near his head. He ducks, swerving and throws a hand to my head. I duck again and merge to the right, kicking out my left leg. My leg connects with his knee, knocking him off balance sending him tumbling. I pounce and we roll on the floor. Finally, Doright hits his head on the wall and runs out of energy. His eyes closed and the fight leaves the older man. I breathe heavily and stand to my feet, slightly dizzy from the encounter. After I recomposed myself, I checked Doright's pulse and found him still alive.

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