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Hello, one and all. It is I, the great Joe Hardy.

To follow up the story Mrs. Drew was able to help Esti. Esti is now up and at um though she is in a wheelchair and will be for the foreseeable future. Her body works amazingly for being in a coma for so many years. John Doright is serving time in jail for what he has done. Morgan, however, only has to complete community service hours. We were able to get him out of the rest of the punishment. 

Stella got a job at the local hospital and is working on renewing her medical license. She is quickly adapting back to life and doing normal human things like getting a driver's license again and going to doctor's appointments. The Drews are all living under one roof, and Nancy is working on referring to Stella as "Mom". Mrs. Gruen is still living with them because the Drews see her as part of the family.Nancy is working hard to not let her mom know about all the dangerous work she has done. She is easing into explaining her job to her mom and calming her mom down every time her mom finds a new news article. 

Frank and I are back in New York and back at work. Our week-long vacation only last five days, not a surprise at all.

Until next time, my friend. Thank you for reading Gone, the third book in the What If? mystery series. Stay tuned for book four! You know, I should really get a case undercover as a news reporter. I feel like I would be really good at it. With the suspense and all...

Okay, that's enough. Thanks, Joe. Hello, readers, it is the author, L.A.!!! Thank you so much for reading this book and being such loyal fans! I have had so much fun sharing this story with all of you. I can not wait to share my next book with you all. Thank you for all your patience and support. I love you all and I write for you guys!!! See you soon in a new mystery!!! <3

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