Chapter Four

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Pansy did not show up for dinner after that class.

The Slytherin table was oddly quiet, as if we were in mourning for our friend. We all knew how much she's always wanted to be an Auror. She's been talking about taking that potions class since first year.

Her father was murdered. When she was five years old, some sick, old, good-for-nothing murderer used Avada Kedavra on her father, and she was there. It was out in the streets. So many people saw. After that, she vowed to become an Auror so she could protect innocent wizards and witches.

 We knew it, and Snape knew it. That's why he did it.

"Bastard," I muttered, turning several heads my way. "Snape is an absolute bastard."

Blaise raised a glass of pumpkin juice towards me. "I'll drink to that."

A few other Slytherins smirked and raised their glasses, tapping them against each other. My lips twitched into a hint of a smile as I did the same. I could feel eyes on our table.

"To Snape and all his repulsive bullshit!" I declared loudly, clinking my glass against Nott's. We all sipped our drinks with triumphant faces.

Soon, I heard a chorus of students repeating my words. None of them were Slytherins.  I looked around and saw all the other houses chiming their glasses together as well. Some were giving small speeches about Snape, others were just staying silent and glaring at the teacher's table.

My eyes met Potter's as he tapped his glass against Luna Lovegood's, and he looked at me with something of a smile. I raised an eyebrow at him. Did he start this? Surely they didn't do it for me, everyone hates me at the moment. 

I looked away and back to Blaise, who was smiling widely as he watched the scene unfold. Snape was boiling in anger at the teacher's table, making fists around his silverware. Dumbledore looked fond of what was going on, which made me a little proud. 

Snape dismissed us all from dinner early, with a calm and steady voice. But what could he do other than that? Take points from every house? Or maybe just give the entire school detentions? Unlikely.

Back at the Slytherin common room, all the Slytherin's were sitting with Pansy, describing the previous event to her enthusiastically. I had an arm wrapped around her, and she was holding onto my waist.

We found her in tears, by herself, so we all collectively decided to stay up with her. She was slightly smiling as she imagined the scene.

"Snape was so pissed off," I laughed, rubbing circles against her back. She laughed, too. "I bet."

"Pans, he had no right to do this to you." Blaise said quietly, his tone changing from amused to dead serious. "No right."

I bit my lip and held her tighter. She nodded.

"So why did everyone decide to go along with it then? With the toasts?" Pansy asked, her voice tightening. "I can't imagine it was to please Draco. No offense, of course."

I smiled. "None taken."

Blaise looked confused. "That's a good point. I have no idea." I thought back to Potter, looking at me earlier. Could it have been him? Why would he do that? He hates Pansy and me.

I shrugged. 

"I think- I think I'm gonna go to sleep," Pansy mumbled, wiping under her eyes. "I'll see you guys in the morning, yeah?"

"G'night, Pans!" A few people grinned, waving her off as she went to the dorms. The students in the common room dispersed as people began going to bed. Soon, even I grew tired and found myself drifting into peaceful sleep, enveloped in velvet comforter.


I woke up to very bright lights. Much brighter than the torches in the dorms. These were bright, white lights. And my bed was not only cotton- very different from velvet- but it was as comfortable as a cement block. 

"Mm, where am I?" I rasped, stretching my arms out. I closed my eyes again, the lights were giving me a headache. "Where the fuck am I?"

"That's disappointing." Someone commented, with amusement in their voice. "I always imagined you'd be endearing when you're half-asleep."

"Potter?" I guessed, squinting my eyes and making out familiar raven-colored hair. He ignored me and kept talking.

"You do have pretty cute bed-head, though." I scrunched up my nose at the observation, attempting to prop myself up on my elbows. 

I opened my eyes again, to find that it was indeed Potter in the bed next to me. His arms were folded behind his neck, and his head was tilted to the side as he stared at me. I craned my neck to look around, which sent a searing ache down my spine.

"What the fuck?" I winced painfully. So, evidently, I'm wounded. "I'm in the infirmary aren't I?"

Potter didn't answer me, but with the realization, I recognized the blank ceiling tiles. What's going on? 

"It finally happened, huh? Some bloody wanker finally set out to murder me. Goddamn, why couldn't they have at least finished the job?"I groaned, sitting up against my pillow and rubbing my eyes.

"Don't be such a drama queen, Malfoy." Potter rolled his eyes, and I shot a glare at him. "Nobody set out to murder you. Supposedly you started having some kind of fit in your sleep." 

Some kind of fit? Like, a seizure? Or worse? 

And why is Harry Potter the only one here to explain this to me?

hey, author here!

sorry this part was kinda short

didn't mean for it to be
it just sort of happened.

anyway, next chapter will be up soon! luv you <3

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