Chapter 2

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Audrey guided Teddy around the white billowing tents that hugged one side of the field to the opposite side where the rest of the players were getting ready under two separate tents. As she passed the whites tents that held the audience, Lilly turned in her direction, her dark curls bouncing with the movement and waved at her. Audrey smiled and waved back.

"Whose that?" Lucas called out to her.

Audrey looked back to see he was still following her.

"Charlotte's little sister, Lilly. You're probably fine to stop here and join the crowd." Audrey said, still moving to the other side.

Lucas nodded in agreement but didn't stop the cart and kept following her.

Audrey hopped off Teddy and led him to the group of guys hanging around the edge of the field.

"Declan, I think you forgot something." Audrey called out to them.

A dark haired guy dressed in the same outfit as the rest of the players stuck his head out.

"Audy, you're my hero." Declan said. "Alright team let's bet these guys." Declan said.

He moved over to Audrey and pulled himself up into the saddle, still gripping his polo stick. The rest of his team followed suit and mounted their horses and moved onto the field. Audrey moved to stand under the tent, as the players positioned themselves on the field. Across she saw every pastel color imaginable, all the women dressed in the soft colors and assorted hats. The day was warm and the breeze was a pleasant feeling as it wandered past Audrey's face.

"So how do you play polo?" Lucas said, coming to stand next to her.

She turned to him.

"I'm sorry but aren't you suppose to be over there?" Audrey asked pointing to the opposite side of the field.

"Uh...probably but seeing how I don't know the game of polo I don't feel like looking like an idiot and having to ask some girl what's going on." Lucas said.

He smiled at her and she noticed even more his strong jaw line and prominent cheek bones. His eyes were hazel with small flecks of brown in them that softened his whole face.

"You are going to do fine here." Audrey thought to herself, knowing a new face would have all the girls excited.

"I'm pretty sure I'm just some girl. Why not ask one that will think it's cute and spend the rest of her day sitting really close to you and playfully slapping your arm when you say something witty?" Audrey said.

One side of Lucas's mouth twisted up and Audrey thought this smile was better than his charming one.

"That is a thought though seeing as I'm already over here how about you tell me." Lucas said.

"Fine." Audrey said, indifferent. "It's a pretty simple game to grasp, there are four players on each side, the different numbers represent their positions on the team, the point of the game is to score by hitting the white ball through the other teams posts. There are more rules about what you can and can't do but you don't really need to know them unless you are planning on joining the team and then they can explain them."

"Great well then I shall just sit back and enjoy the game." Lucas said, taking a seat on one if the chairs under the tent.

"Okay." Audrey said.

She walked up to the fence and placed one of her tennis shoes on the lowest rung and watched as Declan was called out on a penalty for crossing in front of Wesley's horse. She laughed at his indignation but knew he was completely in the wrong. A few minutes later, Lucas got up from his seat and joined her on the fence. Audrey looked at him from the corner of her eye but didn't turn her head.

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