Chapter 13

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Audrey paused from bushing Jefferson's dark gray coat to scratch behind his ear. She mindlessly patted him and continued to brush him down, happy to let her hands work as her mind wandered.

After she had dropped Lucas off at his house, the night before, she had driven home, parking his car outside the main garage. Edwin's lights were off and so she quietly went to work.

Wearing a pair of gloves and holding a flash light she had searched Lucas's car, running her hand down ever surface and in between chair cushions. She opened anything that had a handle and checked under the rugs for secret compartments, and in the end she turned up nothing. Without actually taking out the chairs themselves there was no where else to search and so called it a night.

She had expected him to show up to go riding with Charlotte and her the next morning but he hadn't. Audrey had offered to brush down Jefferson after their ride just so she got some time to think and plan her next move. She heard footsteps and froze, recognizing the even steps and confident strides. A second later James walked around the corner of the stall.

"Hello, Audrey." James said.

She forced her hand to start moving the brush again.

"Hi, James, what brings you here? Little late to go riding."

"Impeccable timing right?"

"You didn't want to go riding, so what brings you here?"

"Oh you know the usual, good food, horses, a pretty girl."

Audrey tried to stop her smile but it pushed its way onto her lips.

"Really James, Charlotte is taken, I don't think Paul would really appreciate you making a move on his girl."

"Cute but you know I meant you. Got an extra brush?"

Audrey handed James a brush from the nearby chair and he moved to the other side of Jefferson. He didn't speak as he brushed Jefferson's side, looking at Audrey as his hand moved back and forth.



"You're staring at me."

"Is that a crime, cause if it is I'm okay doing my time."

James stopped and placed his arms on Jefferson's back, leaning towards Audrey, his mouth wearing a playful smile.

"You're so dramatic." Audrey said, trying to not look at him.

She could sense James's smile getting wider at the comment.

"Audrey go out with me."


"Come on."

"No." Audrey said, laughing a little.

"Why not? I love you."

"How many girls have you said that to?"

"I'm not going to answer that." James said, smiling.

"Then you know why I'm not going out with you."

"Because I told other girls that I love them?"

"Yes and no, it's because I know you."

"When I told those girls I loved them I didn't mean it."

"Cause that makes it so much better."

"Audrey, I'm serious."

"James so am I. I'm not going to date someone that has a past with girls like you do, I've been on the other end of those break ups and seen the tears."

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