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Ally took a deep breath and pushed the large glass doors open. The tap tap tap of heels echoed throughout the lobby along with the clicking of people passing through security. She gazed upward, the front of the building stretching up five stories then hitting the ceiling. As she moved to a security desk, a large man in a black suit looked up at her.

"Can I help you?" the man said, his voice deep.

"Yes, it's my first day and I need to be cleared for a security badge," Ally said.

"Follow me."

The man walked out from behind the desk and escorted Ally over to a door at the far end of the lobby. They entered a small room that held a metal table and two chairs facing each other on opposite sides. Ally took a seat and the man took the other.

After half an hour of question after question, the man finally cleared her. Feeling a sense of anticipation, Ally clicked through security and called the elevator. Nerves buzzed inside her as she stepped into the metal box and hit the number 42.

As the doors where sliding closed, a couple slipped inside.

The first thing Ally noticed about them was how striking they were. Both in their mid-twenties, they held themselves with a sense of confidence that held not boosting, simply a fact of who they were. Though they both wore suits, the woman's was far more relaxed than the man's. Her suit jacket hung open, giving Ally a glimpse of the shoulder holster she wore while the man looked like he was going to greet the President. The man was attractive to the point where Ally had to force herself not to look.

The man glanced at the number panel, but didn't hit a specific level, it seemed they were headed in the same direction as Ally. The woman tossed a look at Ally, and for all the casualness of it, Ally still got the distinct impression that the woman had memorized the five defining points of her face.

"How did Mason react?" the man asked.

His companion lounged on the elevator wall, crossing her arms.

"I threatened to shoot him in the foot. He was terrified," she said. "He was wearing expensive Italian leather shoes."

The man gave a soft chuckle and Ally forced herself to stare at the climbing numbers because she knew if she looked at them she would give away her curiosity over wanting to know who this woman that carelessly threatened someone and the man's amusement at it were.

The opening of the elevator doors, ripped Ally from her thoughts as it renewed her former anticipation. But the sight of Jamison waiting for her quieted it all. He smiled, only having eyes for her.

"Hey beautiful, you new here?" he said.

Ally didn't try to keep the smile from her face, after four months in training without seeing or talking to him, she was happy. Before he could move in for a kiss, Ally's two elevator companions exited, drawing Jamison's attention.

In the moment, his whole demeanor changed into a mixture of surprise and awe.

"Agent Keller," Jamison said focusing on the man. "Agent Owens."

Though the couple couldn't be more than a few years older than Jamison, Ally detected a note of reverence towards them that built up her curiosity once again. As Ally left the elevator, the agents looked at Jamison.

"What brings you here?" Jamison asked.

"We're here for a debriefing," Agent Keller said. "The Dickson case is being transferred here."

Agent Owens scowled. "What he's saying is you're stealing a case we've spent the last four months on."

Jamison held up his hands. "Agent Owens, you know how these things go once it-"

"It's Jamison, right?" Agent Owens asked cutting him off.

Jamison dropped his hands, nodding. "That's right."

"Last time we were here I remember liking you," she said. "And when I say 'like you', I mean I didn't mentally have to remind myself that you are one the people I need to glare at when I'm here. So don't change that by feeding me some bull-"

"What my partner is trying to say," Agent Keller said. "Is we find it frustrating to have a case we've spent tireless hours over taken from us just because our main suspect decides to leave the country."

"I get that," Jamison said. "I'm sorry it's this way."

Agent Owens snorted in disbelief. "Don't try to placate us. You aren't good looking enough for it."

With that, Agent Owens walked away, clearly wanting to get her business done with as soon as she could.

"We'll see you around, Jamison," Agent Keller said, following after his partner.

Ally watched them walk away, aware of how other people seemed to make way for them, though they didn't realize they were doing it.

"Who are they?" she asked.

Jamison ran a hand through his hair. "Agents from the FBI. We've had to take over some of their other cases in the past. But even if we hadn't, everyone would still know who they are."

Ally looked at him. "Why is that?"

"For as young as they are, they've had some of the most impressive takedowns. They've done so well that they've been given a nickname. One that we even know."

"What is it?"

"The Unstoppable Couple."

Ally caught one final glimpse of the couple, their strides perfectly matched, their bearing strong without being cocky. Despite having observed them for less than ten minutes, she had the feeling the name was deserved.

When Jamison slid his hand into hers, she smiled, pulling her thoughts away from the dynamic pair and onto the man who looked at her like he wanted to never stop. He kissed her and Ally didn't care if others were watching, savoring the familiarity of it.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you pretty much every second," Jamison said. "Come on, I'll give you the tour." He turned away but stopped. "One final thing." He smiled. "Welcome to the CIA."


So yeah, I wrote an epilogue. I did it because someone asked me to.

I can't say it's a very good one but let's face it, it matches the rest of the book.

Since I already gave away my secret identity I figured it was safe to add Carter and Donovan (Agents Owens and Keller) into this.

If you don't know who those characters are (which I will find so shocking that I might die) then you can go read about their story on my other account joymoment in the book A Secret Service. If you like them enough you want more then read Classified followed by Open Case File.

If you read this and didn't barf over the lack of anything worth reading then I applaud you.

Also, it's my book okay, I get to be as condescending as I want to be thank you very much!

Any who. You read it, so thank you for even doing that!

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