Chapter 28

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"Glad you could make it." Lucas said.

He opened the door wide so Audrey could come in.

"Thank Charlotte for having an all day pool party. She's at the house and I don't have to be."

"Did you tell her where you were going?"

"Nope just said I would be out and stop by later with you. She, of course, winked at me and said she totally understood. I'd be impressed if she really did. Now to the secret lair."

Lucas smiled.

"Follow me."

She walked beside him through the foyer and down a long hallway, she paused when they passed the family portrait, from when Lucas had been ten.

"Who is the look alike?" She asked, looking up at the photo.

Lucas stopped walking and came back to where she stood, his eyes moving to the photo.

"You mean Wallace?"


"An employee, we found someone who had the same face structure of my father and used hair and makeup to fake the rest."

"Makes sense, people would be more curious about a rich divorcee than a married couple."

"That's what we thought. Come on."

Lucas started walking again and Audrey followed. As they approached the library, the door open and Nora walked out with Wallace.

"Good day, Ms. Williams. We appreciate your help with the investigation."

"Thank you, ma'am, I'm happy to help."

"You haven't officially met, Wallace this is Ally Williams."

"It's nice to meet you." Wallace said, his southern accent completely gone.

"Same here."

"Well, if you'll excuse us." Nora said.

They all nodded to each other and Nora and Wallace walked back down the hallway quietly talking to each other. Lucas moved into the room and walked over to the left wall of books. One of the shelves had a set of very old and fragile books all huddled together, Lucas pulled down the book with title Common Sense.

He slid his hand to the back of the shelf were there was, what looked like a normal panel of wall, but glowed and scanned his print when he placed his hand against it. A small click was heard and Lucas moved to the adjacent bookshelf and pulled open the door that had been revealed.

He gestured for Audrey to go in and she quickly moved passed him. Lights came on as she stepped behind the book shelf and onto a small platform leading to a set of stairs. Lucas closed the door and started walking down the stairs. As Audrey stepped onto the top step an automated voice started talking.

"Unauthorized person..."

Before the voice could finish its statement Lucas spoke clearly.

"Jamison Carter override, Ally Williams guest." Lucas said.

The automated voice shut off.

"Voice coded?" Audrey asked.

"Yes, to only my mother's, Wallace's and my voices."

"What happens if you don't give the override code?"

"The person is instantly dosed with knock out gas and an alert is sent to all of our phones."


"We try. The files are over here."

The room was spacious with a large table in the center facing a wall of computer screens, behind it were rows of filing cabinets.

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