Chapter 11

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Audrey pulled the worn leather jacket off its hanger and trotted down the stairs. Peter sat hunched over a bowl of cereal, his eyes darting back to the book he was reading once the spoon had successfully made it to his mouth.

"You already done with the chores?" Audrey asked, tossing the jacket on the table.

She opened one of the cabinets and pulled down a bowl, adding a spoon from one of the drawers.

"Yeah, it is eleven." Peter said.


"Late night?"

"Yup, the Danes party was long and I ended up sitting with Jenna, Darcy and Rachel talking gossip."

"Anything good."

"Nope. Lucas is the focus for this week and it's pretty much, his family's rich and from Texas. I think there was a scandal in there but it was so late I don't quite remember it all." Audrey said.

She poured herself some cereal and quickly started eating, glancing at her watch between every bite.

"You heading out today?" Peter asked, his bowl empty and his book upside down on the table.


"Where to?"

"You know places." Audrey said.

"You and your secrets."

"Hey every girl has to have them."

"Have fun at your places."

"Will do. I'll clean dishes when I get back. Later Peter."

Audrey dumped her bowl into the sink and grabbed her jacket. The air was thick with heat as she walked the path towards the house. She moved around the house on the patio and was walking down the other side to the garage when someone called her name.


She turned and found Lucas walking toward her.


"Where you going? I thought you would be at the brunch."

Lucas seemed comfortable, his hands relaxed in his pockets and his hair not styled and looking more like the mane he had when he was ten.

"I actually have some place I have to be. I'll see you around though. Have fun. Try the muffins, they're to die for." Audrey said.

She skipped the last step and kept moving towards the garage not waiting to give Lucas any chance to follow her. The garage was a large six double door building with a small apartment above for Edwin. Audrey punched in the code for the furthest door and waited as it lifted, revealing a row of some of the most expensive cars, including a Maserati and an Aston Martin.

She slid past the last car went to the back of the garage where she found her BMW motorcycle, one of the only things she had brought with her when she had taken the job. She pulled the helmet off the nearby hook and pushed the bike out into the driveway. She twisted up her hair and felt the soft pads cushion her head as she put the helmet on. A voice called out to her and she turned, lifting the visor.

"Bye, Audrey." Edwin said, from his short balcony.

Audrey waved to him before starting the engine and putting it into gear. She pulled on a pair of thick leather gloves and drove off. She took the curves tighter than was necessary but smiled as she straightened again and blended into the flow of traffic. She zipped past the never ending river of cars and found her exit fast approaching.

She raced along the water's edge and slowed as she got close to the tall glass building that stood alone near the bay. She found a space in the parking garage and turned off the engine. Shaking out her hair, she moved towards the entrance. The tiled floor reflected up at her and echoed her footsteps. At the reception desk a round woman in a white uniform smiled brightly up at her.

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