Chapter One - Fuzzy

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Anne's POV
     Bash's Wedding ended a few hours ago and we invited the Blythe/Lacroix family over for a celebratory supper. We have just finished eating and I am now helping Marilla clean up while the rest of them sit and talk at the table.
     Today, Gilbert and I ended our feud and I do not exactly know how I feel about it. Does that mean no more teasing or even talking in class? Will the fact we no longer have a rivalry cause us to split and never talk again? Just the thought of not talking to Gilbert ever again makes my heart clench for some odd reason. I mean, everytime I am around him I feel fuzzy and I simply cannot explain why. I assume it's because of my distaste for him, but deep down I know it's something more.
     Speaking of the devil. While I'm caught in my daydreams, Gilbert comes up to Marilla and I asking if we need any help. As I am about to kindly deny him, Marilla says,"Oh yes, that would be wonderful dear! I do need a quick break." She walks back to the table to sit down and chat away with the others, leaving me stranded with Mr. Blythe over here.
     I try my best not to look at him while wiping the grime from the dishes, as I am afraid if I do I will get caught in his prepossessing, hazel eyes. As I am thinking of how to distract myself from the astonishing boy next to me, he lightly nudges me with his elbow, making us both giggle quietly.
     "So," he says,"How was your evening?" I look over at him to see him eyeing me in a curious way. I start to speak, but slightly stutter over my words,"O-oh, good, very good. How was y-yours?" I wonder to myself why I cannot form proper, coherent sentences around him, as it has never happened to me before. He looks back down at the rag he is cleaning the counter with while he says to me,"Amazing, I enjoyed tonight very much. Thank you for inviting us over for supper tonight, it was a very pleasant evening." He smiles down at me while I feel my cheeks heat up a tad.
     As soon as a feel a light blush start to appear, I look back down at the dish I am cleaning while I ponder my thoughts for why I am suddenly feeling distorted and shy around Gilbert Blythe, the one person I would least expect to ever feel like this around. Sure, he was handsome and all, but he's always been an enemy to me, so why now that we have ended the fuss between us, am I feeling different around him?
     Gilbert takes notice to the fact I am deep in thought and lightly taps my shoulder, asking if I am okay. "Oh yes," I say,"I am fine, just thinking." "Would you like to talk about it?" He asks me, looking at me with some concern. "No, I am fine. Thank you though." We smile at eachother and he looks as if he is about to tell me something, or rather confess something to me but Bash walks over and lets Gilbert know it is time to leave.
     I look out the window and see the sun is starting to set in Avonlea. Sunsets here are usually absolutely stunning in winter, but tonight's is exceptionally gorgeous. The contrast of the colors in the sky compared to the white snow on the ground is absolutely breathtaking. I smile to myself while wistfully looking at the mix of colors in the sky, ranging from a beautiful burnt orange to a deep, royal purple.
     Mary makes her way over to me and gives me a short hug before saying her thank you's and goodbye's to us. I wave at Bash and look over at Gilbert who is making his way to me. I was expecting a short goodbye, but was shocked when he engulfed me in a hug and told me he had a wonderful evening with me. It took me a second to realize what was happening, but when I did I immediately relaxed into the hug and said the same. We parted ways, though I was dreadful to, and soon they were gone.
     I made my way to my room, saying my good nights to Marilla and Matthew. As soon as I got into bed, all I could think about was that Gilbert Blythe. I do not know what emotions have come over me and whether they are good or not. I must talk to my bosom best friend, Diana, tomorrow and find out as much as I can from her for when it comes to things such as this, she is an expert. Slowly sleep came over me and my dreams were filled with the angel known as Gilbert Blythe.
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