Chapter Two - Mysterious World of "Love"

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Anne's POV
     "Rise and shine, Anne. Time for school." Marilla said from behind my door while lightly knocking. "Okay Marilla, thank you." "Breakfast is ready, come down before it gets cold." "I will." I say to her as I stand in front of my mirror, debating what I should wear. Usually, I wear my casual (and boring) brown dress and do my hair in two braids, but for some reason today is different. I want to look nice. Man, Gilbert is truly getting to me. This isn't good. I just hope I can speak to my kindred spirit of a best friend very soon.
     I decide on my blue dress, as Jane told me it makes my eyes pop, and I do my hair in two french braids instead of regular ones. While in Charlottetown at Josephine Barry's soirée, one of the artists there taught me a few different hair styles. Now that I am ready to go, I feel anything but dull and hope I will stand out a little more, secretly wishing maybe even Gilbert will notice the difference of my look.
     "Child, no more nonsense with getting ready and come down stairs. You are going to be late if you don't hurry." Marilla yells up the stairs. I quickly put my boots on and run down the stairs. As I eat, I can see a dumbfounded Matthew looking at me from the corner of my eye. I look over to him and ask if something is wrong. "Why, no I am fine. It's just- your hair. It looks, um, different today." he tells me. "Oh no, does it look bad? I knew I should have stuck to regular braids. This is a catastrophe!" I yell back, about to take my french braids out and redo them. "Anne, wait no! They look good. It's a good different. Keep them in, it looks, uh, nice on you." he quickly says to me in attempt to stop me from undoing my hair. "Why thank you Matthew. That is very nice of you to say." I tell him while smiling cheekily.
     Once I finish with my breakfast, I quickly take the plate over to the sink where Marilla is washing dishes and give her a light kiss on the cheek, thanking her for the food. I make my way to the door, grabbing my things for school and putting on my coat & hat before I yell to Marilla and Matthew,"I am headed to school. Goodbye!"
     I quickly rush out of the house and run down the pathway to the gate of Green Gables. Finally, I will be able to talk to Diana about my mysterious feelings. As soon as I get to her house, I see her waiting at the gate for me by a lovely pine tree. "Diana!!" I yell to her, catching her attention as I run to her. "Anne!" she yells back as we hug.
     I link my arm with hers and look at her seriously. "Diana, I have a very big complication and I absolutely need your help for your smarts when it comes to feelings is exceptional and you have a gigantic amount of more knowledge than me on this subject." She looks back at me worriedly,"What's the problem? Do you think you may have feelings for someone?" she says to me as she looks at me curiously with a tad bit of concern and confusion. I respond back,"I think I may have feelings for..." I say, scared to say the name. She looks at me, ushering for me to continue. I close my eyes and let out a sigh. "Gilbert Blythe."
     "AHHHH! I knew it I knew it I knew it!!" she yells back at me while jumping up and down. I shyly smile back at her as a light blush creeps to my cheeks at even the thought of Gilbert. "Shhhhh!" I yell at her, afraid someone near us will hear. She links our arms back together and looks at me with a grave expression. "So, why do you think you like Mr. Gilbert Blythe?" she asks me quietly, taking note to the fact kids from the schoolhouse could be around. "Well everytime I am around him, I get a weird, fluttery feeling inside of my belly. My heartbeat speeds up rapidly and my breathing starts to get heavy but for some odd reason, I like the feeling. Also, I blush. A lot." I tell her all of this while shyly looking down at my feet, scared of her reaction. I am usually a very confident, self-assured person but when it comes to Gilbert, I cannot even think straight.
     Diana looks at me, her smile growing very wide. "Well then, my bosom best friend, you are in love with Gilbert Blythe." "WHAT! I am not!! I barely even know him so how could I be in love with him!" As I say this, Jane Andrews comes up behind me. "In love with who?" she says, looking curiously between Diana and I. "No one!" Diana and I both say in unison, looking very shocked because we were caught. "Mmmmmhmmmm." she says looking at us with a sly face. At least it was not Ruby, or else it would've been an absolute disaster. No matter how I feel, I need to stay away from him and try to conceal my feelings as best as I can. I could never hurt Ruby like that.
Anne's POV
     Once we walk into the schoolhouse, I hear Billy say,"Oh look, it's Diana and her pet dog. Woof woof doggy." He throws a pencil and looks back at me with a smirk,"Go fetch." I look down at my shoes, trying so hard to cover up the tears welling up in my eyes. I quickly take my hat and coat off and run over to my seat, shoving my head into my arms so my disgusting face can not be exposed to the world. "Billy is right. They're all right. I will never be good enough" I think to myself, suddenly feeling very insecure and unsure of myself. As I am contemplating getting up and leaving school for the day, faking sick, I hear a voice speak up.
     "Billy, do we need to have a chat again?" It's Gilbert. I could recognize his voice anywhere. I look up and see Billy cowering away from Gilbert as he whispers an inaudible "no" and shakes his head fiercely. Gilbert looks at him with a sly look and looks over to me, smiling. I surprisingly smile back instead of yelling at him for defending me. I could tell him I can handle my own battles, but since him and I are friends now, it doesn't seem like the right thing to do.
     I watch him as he is about to take a seat, but he makes eye contact with me again and looks like he is having a mental battle with himself. After a second of awkwardly staring at eachother, he walks over to me and gets down on my level, for I am sitting down in my seat. "Your hair looks exceptionally nice today, Anne." he whispers in my ear before he gets back up and makes his way back to his seat. I can feel the blush on my face as I can still feel his breath on my ear. I smile at him cheerfully, and he returns it.
     I hear a small whimper behind me and turn around to see a heartbroken Ruby. As soon as I see her, my eyes go wide and I feel utterly sorry for the scene she just had to witness. I quietly whisper some reassurance to her, saying Gilbert and I are just friends, if even that, and she has dibs. The sadness in her eyes quickly vanishes and she smiles at me while mouthing a thank you. I turned around and let out a sign, relieved she didn't end our friendship right then and there.
     I look over at Diana to see her smiling, as she is very amused with the scene that just unfolded infront of her between Gilbert and I. I raise my eyebrows at her and give her a warning look, for I do NOT need anyone knowing of my confusing feelings for Gilbert Blythe. Miss Stacey walks into the classroom, stopping all of the chatter going on around the room and starts her lesson.
     Throughout the entire english lesson, I can feel Gilbert's stare burning into the back of my head. At times I want to make eye contact, but I push back the urge each time. Miss Stacey sets her chalk down and turns around, looking at the class as she says,"Okay class, time for lunch. After, we will be having a quick, out loud quiz to test your knowledge for next weeks test." The chatter slowly rises up again as everyone gets up and gets into their groups to eat.
     Diana links arms with me as we walk over to our small corner of the room where our friends are waiting. As we are sitting down, Josie looks around at our group and suggests we play a game of "Truth or Dare". These games never go well for me, so as I am about to say no, Diana quickly says,"Okay! Anne and I are in!" I look at her with a sourful look while Josie looks at me with a devious expression,"Perfect." she says. Oh no. That girl has it out for me.
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