His Love

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After he delved into his own domain, Perseus started learning his power, he left to the domain of the Faded, an entire universe dedicated to the very land immortals who have been forgotten or have given up go, a place where souls who have been forgotten leave to. Perseus wanted to be a fair ruler so he started to create his territory, he knew how large his kingdom was already and knew it would grow and change to his will.

First he had to set up his realm, he governed Laws that the very realm itself had to follow. For example, when a deity fades they shall be judged and sent to a place they are best suited, if they had done well they would go to paradise, if they were mediocre they would live in a common area, if bad they would go to punishment and Evil, they would suffer tortures even his brother Tartarus would fear. Now each land was different, so far nobody loved in the Realm of the Faded so it suited Percys needs so everything Percy wanted was their, he could create anything, or destroy it.

The Paradise was filled with the best of everything, the food, drink entertainment everything was the best quality, it was truly a paradise, a place for every type of entity. The land of Serenity, or the place the mediocre go, is like a village, it is peaceful, a quite happy place where they could love out their eternity. The land of The Dull, or the bad is a more run down version of The Land of Serenity, they get an ok food quality and the drinks are ok, they are not good like in the LoN (land of Serenity) or perfect like in Paradise. It was just ok, they hit homes that suited them but they were just standard not good or at better quality like in LoN or absolutely Perfect like Paradise.

The Space of Torture (or the SoT) was a dull, dreary place where the mist evil beings would be tortured, the pain factor in this place is made so that even a scratch is like having you body melted while being continuously tortured. Do imagine what actual torture was like. The occupants of this place were forced to eat barley anything and what they did eat would be the worst thing they could ever find. It was truly a horrid place.

He created his palace, a place so beautiful that everybody would wish to live in it, it would hold enough room to host the entire population of paradise and it would grow, it would take the form of the newest time Zone and was a completely conscious being ( kinda like Jarvis from Avengers//Iron Man). Perseus was happy with the void, he also knew he would Inherit any powers a Person or deity has as they enter his realm. This whole creation possess had taken about 2 years. All of his actually siblings had fully awoke.

Nyx, Erebus, Chronos, Ananke, Eros, Ourea, Tartarus, Gaea, Ouranous, Pontus, Thalassa, Hydros, Hermea and Aether.

They were all awake, and as Percy had predicted they were power hungry. They knew never to cross their mother but apart from that, they were often at each other's thoughts. Some got married like Ouranous and Gaea. Some had children like Erebus and Nyx. The world was okay-ish.

Perseus was still in the void practicing his powers and maintaining his ability to remain hidden. Be had full mastery over most if his domains, Stars, Meteors, Gravity and Space, they had all came at him with ease and he had mastered them within years. Families was also easy, he could strengthen and weaken family bonds, he could also see his family and what was happening to the world around him. He and learned that his mother had commanded her children swear oaths upon his name. He often heard his siblings speaking

'I swear upon the name Perseus to blah blah blah' he could summon a scroll and read and edit peoples oaths, he sometimes found it fun looking through his list of Oaths 'I swear on the Perseus I didn't consciously sleep with Eros', 'i swear upon Perseus that I didn't hit Aether' some of the things his siblings used his name for was hilarious to him and he loved it. He may not like his siblings but they were certainly childish. He had complete control over all oaths to. He naturally had mastered his powers over the faded. Creation and destruction cane to him naturally. Planet's was his most difficult to master, as how does one master planet's. Took a while but he did it. Warfare also took some time as war wasn't really a thing, fights and arguments happened, but never cup scale war. So his warfare domain took time to get used to aswell.

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