His Reveal

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To be honest, I don't know what this chapter is... it's is it something I wrote at 12:43 am.... shit I'm tired. *yawn*

Some few hundred year later and the Titan Reign ended, The Gods had won and Zeus and his siblings were In power. Once again, with the star of a new reign some Titans faded, none of important ones just some minor titans. The Land of the Faded was becoming a nice place to live, Primordials and Titans were mixing and matching and even marrying in some cases.

Perseus' warning to Selene happened and she and her brother faded, and Perseus was their to greet them and bring them to Paradise and the Castle. It had took a while of explaining of how they knew each other but it was worth it.

Perseus' P.O.V

I found myself once again sitting in my thrine room, my sitting with me. We were discussing the new immortals. The Gods. Way weaker than the Primordials but stronger than the Titans. They followed in their predecessors footsteps Peronality wise. Being arrogant and full of Pride, Perseus hated it. Anyways I had informed my two loving wives that they are the last type of rulers of earth, their children will be Gods a d they will not be over through.

"I an done hiding, I believe I should finally introduce myself to these Gods" I said, saying the word God bitterly

"If that is your wish Husband, we shall. How though?" Crytelia asked

"I shall be found by Artemis, I shall Interupt her hunt, when I call you flash in, I want to make them feel threatened." I said even though it was kind of asked as a question aswell

"Yes I agree Percy." Nyx said, using the Nickname she and Crystila made.

With that I opened a portal to a random forest in Greece waiting for the sexist Goddess to find me. As it was nearly 5 minutes later she was surrounding me, she and her hunters glaring.

"Who are you boy? And why are you here?" She said spitting the words boy out like it was a disease.

I ignored her instead looking around at each hunter, I have myself an ability to look into somebodies past. Some of these hunters were crude and some broke their oaths, some major some minor.

"That's not important Goddess. Why are you here?" I said to her glaring a bit

"You dare demand a Olympian Goddess" she shouted. I released a small but of my aura, surpassing hers by along shot

"YOU DARE DEMAND A PRIMORDIAL GOD!" I shouted, my aura flaring. Artemis' face has gone pale and she was shaking in her boots. Seeing their mistress scared the hunters fired their arrows only for them to be completely destroyed.

Perseus manipulated the gravity for the hunters forcing them to the ground.

"I didn't know you were so prideful to insult a Primordial God Phobe Artemis. Especially myself. I may not be recorded In history by choice but you would kill to have me as an ally. I should take away your domains and immortality and five them to one more worthy." A horrible grin spear across my face as she paled and started shaking even more "maybe Heracles would like some new titles"

She looked petrified. I stopped my aura and released my hold on gravity. Slowly but surely the hunters rose from the ground still glaring at me.

"If you continue to glare i will turn you all male and curse you to become exactly what you hate. Did you know I am the Holder of Oaths. The original being that people made oaths on. Some of you have broken oaths on the Styx, just because she's to afraid to punish you doesn't mean I will." I growled out. "Come Goddess were going to Olympus. To have a....... chat"

With that a meteor shower was visible in the sky and I teleported onto Olympus. I looked around and saw probably my favourite goddess Hestia. She looked up from her hearth and I smiled and waved. She looked surprised but smiled. I created an ability to share hope and sent her a bit smirking slightly at her wide eyes.

I sent a mind message to Nyx and Crystelia to appear on Olympus for a show.a few seconds later, Nyx, Crystila  and Artemis were in the throne room followed by every other Olympian.

"Daughter why have you called this meeting." Zeus thundered Artemis was about to speak by I spoke first

"Me." I stated making every head turn to the man seated in a throne in the middle if the council room. Another primordial and a titan seated beside him

Zeus turned red with Rage, he picked up his Master Bolt and screamed "WHO ARE YOU TO TAKE A CHAIR IN MY COUNCIL. AND TO BRING OUR ENEMT A TITAN HERE NO LESS! I SHALL BLAST YOU WERE YOU STAND" Before any could speak he released his thunderbolt. Which I made the gravity around stop. I stood and grabbed the master bolt. Feeling ni power at all. So I did the logical thing. I snapped it. In one hand just crunch. Bang it's gone.

"You must have some pretty big balls. You defeat my weakest sister yet you still wish to fight a Primordial God. Let me introduce myself to this pathetic council." I said gaining growls "I Am Perseus the first Primordial God, First Son of Chaos, the Second strongest being in the world, only just weaker than my mother yet if I wanted I could surpass even her. I am the Primordial God of Space, Gravity, Stars, Meteors, Planets, Oaths, Conciousness, Families, Gender, Power/Abilites, The Faded, Warfare, Future, Destruction and Creation. YOU DARE TRY STRIKE ME!" I exclaimed my voice rising with each word until I was shouting at the pathetic council.

When I looked at the council they were all wide eyed, looking at me with fear and lust for power. I growled my aura started to release shaking the entirety of Olympus. I sensed quite a few titans and even Primordials here, yet they are treated as minor deities.

Finally I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and I calmed down instantly. I looked back to find Crystelia hugging my waist from behind. I thanked her before glaring at the council.

"I have been treated with disrespect by you petty minor beings, if you wished I could declare war on you. The second you said we are at war you would find your selves mortals flouting through space dying of suffocation. I am the while reason you have your Doamins and powers in the first place so they do not work on me." I said making the council go wide eyed with worry once again. I also saw Apollo staring hungrily at Crystelia. The second I saw it he was pinned against his throne my hand wrapped around his neck. Hatred burning in my eyes.

"You even try touch my wives and I will find it my job to make your immortal life a living pain. I could fade you here and put you into a torture even my brother Tartarus would scream and run away from. So try it boy before you even see power. That aura I released a second ago that shook this entire mountain. That was barley 3% if I release it all is could tare the very fabric of reality into tiny little prices and destroy the whole universe. So try me boy. Touch my wife." I threw him out of his throne into the middle of the room daring him. His throne had been cracked in half and the Gods took it as sign to not touch my wives. He clearly didn't get the message as he got a lustful look and started towards my wives.

He was soon a woman being threw off of Olympus wearing nothing, just to see how it felt to be raped. I'm very protective....

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