Titan Reign and Titan Love

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I don't know many Primordials so most of them will either be completely wrong or just OCs. Just preparing you. So if I have a character who you know is a primordial but doesn't go by the same name it's because I didn't know them. Sorry guys, I'm such a failure...

Perseus' P.O.V

I was sitting in the void, thanks to the titans taking over, some Primordials have faded into his realm, so far only a few have made paradise and two made Punishment.

Three people are currently enjoying Paradise, Angel the Primordial Goddess of Purity, Fengári the Primordial God of the Moon and Ĺlios Primordial Goddess of the Sun. The sun and Moon gods faded when Helios took over and Angel faded after deciding purity was lost in the world.

The two who made Punishment were Kakó Primordial Goddess of Evil and Misó Primordial God of Hatred. Their were some minor Primordials taking up Serenity and The Dull or, as I'll refer to it now, The Fields.

I learned that even though they faded their domains still exist, when I investigated, I learned if they didn't have an heir I would technically take on the domain so it can still exist. So I am basically the sun and moon aswell as gravity if that makes any sense.

So it had been a few hundred years since the titans took over, Ouranous is still moping over it. Nyx also retreated to my home of the Void, she loves with me here and loves with me. We don't really have much to do with the titans in power anymore, so she's finally experiencing what I have for centuries.

Most of the time we just visit new planets in the universe. My favourite has to be Planet Temos, it's a planet where gravity fluctuates frequently, it's constantly changing, like one minute you could be walking in really heavy gravity then your floating off into space, I created a new race on that planet. I call them Templates they Origionally looked just like us with different features and hair colours and everything, they were also powerless creatures, I watched them and found out that they would evolve with each generation

Eventually they could speak like us Primordials, they could run and walk and build, it was amazing to watch their civilisation, the templates themselves were evolving with the planet, they evolved so their bodies were naturally athletic so they could stand the pressure the gravity sometimes gives off. They could breathe even though their was barely any oxygen or anything.

It was like playing a game, I wanted to see how far they could evolve, so sometimes I would create a disease and see how they evolved to over come it, I created a powerful gas that would kill weak life forms, so their children syarted to evolve to be able to breathe in the gas. I blocked off their source of Light so they were in a night, they evolved to be able to see on both the light and dark. They were fascinating creatures.

I remember one day me and Nyx went down their, ho e I was space itself the planet looked tiny, like it was no bigger than a tennis ball but when I actually went in the planet it was huge, they had a fully working ecosystem and everything, they were getting married like how we would. It was kind of like the perfect world. Everybody was happy and no wars broke out. Their were multiple countries and civilisations but they all prayed to me, Nyx and Chaos.

Yeah they prayed to God, which they personified as me, but they also worshipped the night, that was because I let the Night rule the planet a few decades. They prayed to Chaos because Chaos was also what they perceived as God, he created the Universe where as i am basically the universe so they prayed to us. We learned we gain power from their prayers aswell, so if Nyx wasn't already the most powerful of her siblings - apart from me - she would have been now, and of i didnt occasionally give her new powers and Abilities.

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