Chapter Two - Prince Nikolai and The Peasent

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Chapter Two - Nikolai's POV

It'd been a week since my last feast. I had planned on my next to be my beloved, but she never showed. I've been traveling on "business" trips as an excuse to search other clans to find her. My father had thrown a party on the day that the older vampire had said was my beloved's birthday. I wasn't excited to meet her at the time, but I need her. I know that now.

My second in command had traveled with me and found his beloved on the first day. I envied their love and knew that it would be safer if I was to travel alone.

So here I am in one of the weakest clans in all of the United States, looking for her. Honestly to me it doesn't matter where she is from. As long as she submits to me, everything will be okay. I want us to have the best relationship in the history of all vampires.

Shall I introduce myself? I am Nikolai Thorne, prince of the strongest clan in the whole world. Other vampires look up to me for my strength and pride, not even mentioning my gift. I have every gift. Mind reading, object manipulation, instant death. Anything you name. My father was the same, except he used his power constantly. I only do in a time of war or for my beloved. After going through the list of clans, this one caught my eyes. I could sense her through the paper.

Now I was currently sitting in a small diner, thinking of my next prey.

Out of the corner of my eye sat a buff looking man. He seemed easy enough, with plenty of blood to share. I could even give him to younger vampires once I am done.

Just as I was about to stand up, my fangs started burning. She was close. They grew to their full length and I knew I needed to find her quickly. Even though I am royalty I can't go around feasting on anyone I want. Everyone's life has a consequence.

I felt her get closer and closer. Until I knew she was only a block away.

I stood and slipped out of the back, prepared to run after her. Oh I hope she'll submit to me! Then I heard it. A car pull up at the front. I snuck around the corner to watch her, but couldn't see. Words softly met my ears- not loud enough to make sense of.

I listened carefully as I heard the wooden floors creek, allowing me to know her location. Soon her footsteps came faster and closer. I quickly ran to the back door, waiting for her to come through. Two seconds later she did. I grabbed her without a second thought and pulled her close. "Beloved?" Her sweet and melodious voice asked. I couldn't help but smile and bend down to bite her. It may be sudden, but I was in serious lack of strength and her blood could fill me for months.

Just as my fangs were about to pierce her perfect skin, a name was yelled through the diner and she pulled away.

I growled, recognizing the voice.

James Nabisco.

Darcy's POV

My beloved's growl sounded at James' call for me. Did he know about James and I?

That would save a lot of time.

I somehow found the strength to look away from him, yelling for James the second I looked away. I hoped to the moon that there wouldn't be a fight. Knowing how James felt for me... he would fight to the death. I felt my beloved's stare on me. I turned and looked into his eyes to see anger and pain. He lifted my wrist to his nose, quickly smelling it.

Before I could say anything, I knew the damage had been done. James had bitten my wrist a little while I was asleep, only getting one drop of blood. It was his way of showing other vampires that I wasn't claimed, but not to mess with me.

"You're taken." My beloved said, his deep and husky voice ripping me inside. It was more of a statement than a question. He started to back away from me. "Please don't leave me with him! You're my beloved! I didn't want to be with him, but my father didn't give me a choice! Please! He took the blood from me unwillingly!" He growled and turned from me. I dropped to my knees, the pain of rejection beginning inside of me.

"That's why I couldn't find you. He took your chance for a real beloved away from you." His words killing me faster. "If you're going to deny me, please do it already."

The second the words left my lips, he turned and pulled me into his arms.

"I will NEVER reject you! You are mine!" I breathed a sigh of relief. The pain from his words disappeared the second we made contact. I felt his lips press against my forehead and gasped. It felt different than all the kisses James gave me. It felt... right. "Thank you." A happy hum resonated through his body, causing tingles to spread across my skin in the most amazing sensation.

But the moment was cut too short.

James burst through the doors. He took in the sight and growled. "Darcy, you betrayed me. When we get home you are going to be punished. Starting with no other blood except mine and the wedding date is being moved to tomorrow." At that my beloved growled and gently pushed me behind him.

"James," he said, his voice hard and angry, "You will NOT speak to my beloved that way!" Even in the tense circumstances I couldn't help but be at peace.

"She isn't your beloved, Nikolai!" That's name. Nikolai. I said his name, it rolling perfectly out of my mouth. He tensed. "Darcy, this isn't the time to be entrancing me, love. Save that for the bedroom." I blushed and hid my face in his shirt. I was already falling for him.

I felt James reading my thoughts, the dirty and nice.

"Darcy! You don't actually believe he is your beloved do you?!" James yelled. That enraged me. I pushed my way from behind Nikolai. "I am TIRED of you and my father pretending that all of this is okay! You are NOT my beloved and never will! Just because yours died doesn't mean you can take someone else's! Your kisses don't feel right, your touches repulsive, and your name makes me want to kill myself to avoid you!"

And just for good measures I added, "I hate you!"

James growled and got into a fighting stance, causing Nikolai to growl and push me behind him; reflecting James stance.

"You have bothered us for too long and violated my beloved for WAY TOO long!" Nikolai said, pulling his fists up. "Same to you." James replied. "Let the best vampire win."

With that the fight began.


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