Chapter Six - The Date (Part One)

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Chapter Six - Darcy's POV

My date with Nikolai is in one hour and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to wear. Should I go classy? Or maybe sexy? I don't want to give off a bad impression. Oh! Maybe I should do modern and not where a dress at all. I looked through the wardrobe that Nikolai had put in, only to see one thing. Dresses. Of course. Why was everyone so formal around here? What clan is this? RedStorm? That'd be impossible. 'Note to self, ask Nikolai what clan he is king of.'

Just as I was about to give up, there was a knock on my now fixed door. I walked to the door. "Who is it?" I called out. "It's Lily ma'am. Master Thorne sent me to help you get ready." I quickly opened the door and pulled her in. "Woah!" She cried out as she came crashing into my room. "Sorry." I said, helping her up. "I'm just sorta nervous and somewhat naked." Her eyes when down to my body that was only covered with a bra and panty set. She nodded and walked to the closet.

"So, what color are you most fond of?" I tapped my chin. "I don't really know. There isn't really any dresses in there that I like. They're all so... formal. I feel like I'm Queen Victoria." Lily processed what I said and then pulled something from inside of the door.

"What are you-" Suddenly closet burst open, making it ten times it's size. Lily walked down the long line of clothing. "I'm sure it's somewhere in here..." She said, running her fingers across the clothing. "What is it that you're looking for-" "Here it is!" My eyes widened as she pulled out one of the most stunning outfits I had ever laid my eyes on. It was a black and red lace dress. The red faded in and out of the black, making the dress look as if it were burning coal. Not Hunger Games style, but defiantly close. "This will compliment your figure nicely." She said, holding it up to me. "Master will love it. Here." She handed it to me and I touched the soft fabric. "Would you like assistance?" I nodded and unzipped the dress. She helped me step into the dress and pull the tight fabric over my extremely wide hips.

After a few minutes we finally get the dress into place. "There we go miss. Would you like for me to do your hair and makeup as well?" I nodded eagerly. "Please. I couldn't do either to save my life." She smiled and began to work her magic.

*Later After Makeup And Hair*

"Done!" Lily said, giving me a look over. "Can I see?" I asked. "Of course. There is a small mirror over here."

She pushed a button on the wall, making a very not small mirror appear. I was stunned as I looked at myself. There was no way that the girl looking back at me was actually me. "Lily." I said, my voice emotionless. "What is it? Did I do something wrong?" She asked, her voice full of fear. "It's perfect! Thank you so much!"

I looked at myself again. She had curled my hair a little, making it look full of volume and perfect. It made my black hair look stunning. I looked to my face next. My bright green eyes were complimented by a deep red eyeshadow, a cat eye made from black eyeliner, my lipstick was a deep red making my lips look fuller, and my normally lifeless pale cheek were a light pink shade. I couldn't believe how beautiful I felt.

Just as I was about to compliment her, two hands wrapped around my waist.

I looked behind me in the mirror to see Nikolai. "You look stunning." He said, his voice dangerously low. I was too stunned to answer him as he kissed the place where my neck connected to my shoulder. "T-thank you." I said. One of his hands traveled down my thigh and he squeezed lightly, making me gasp. "Of course, beloved."

I felt so flustered. I turned in his arms to look at him. He was wearing a old fashion look dress shirt with a pure black jacket. It was accompanied by pressed black pants and black dress shoes. His hair was messily combed. Just the way I liked it. "You don't look too bad yourself." I felt the familiar prink in my mind meaning that he was reading my thoughts. "Just like James." I murmured under my breath. But he picked up on it though. "I am NOTHING like James!" He yelled out, hurting my sensitive ears.

I looked away so he could compose himself.

He let go of my hips and walked to the other side of the room, running his hand through his hair. I felt the loss of contact like a thorn in my side. "When will you stop comparing me to James? He is- WAS a worthless piece of garbage who almost took you from me! He forced you to be in a relationship with him! I could have lost you forever because of him!" I looked at the ground ashamed. Before anyone could say anything, he crushed his lips to mine. It was a kiss filled with every emotion he felt at that moment. Anger, love, murder, and desire. The kiss started melting me on the inside and made it's way out. He trailed kisses down my jaw until he made his way to my wrist. I shivered as he kissed it lovingly.

"Darcy, tonight I plan on feasting on you again. Is that a problem?" I shook my head.

"Of course not. I am yours, Nikolai. Body, half-soul, and mind."


After a heated make-out session, he pulled escorted me to a limo.

"Wow, you guys are fancy." I said, looking at how fine the car was. "Only the best for my beloved." He said, kissing my cheek. I smiled and he opened the door for me. When we were both in the car, he handed me a glass of champagne. "To us." He said. "To us." I agreed. We both took a drink.

As we pulled away from the large castle that was my new home, I looked up to see someone was watching us as we left. Someone as in Grant. The look in his eyes made me shiver. No, Darcy. Not tonight. Just Nikolai and I. Let your mind be free of all worry. You have all day tomorrow to think about it. Let tonight be Nikolai. And ONLY Nikolai.


There was the first part of their date. I want at least one comment and vote for the next chapter.

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