Chapter Four - Dream and Claim

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Chapter Four - Nikolai's POV

Bloodlust was pulsing through me as I stepped closer to her small and curvy figure. My inner animal took over me. The second I had her approval, I pushed her down onto the bed.

My fangs were two times their regular size.

One single taste...

I kissed down her throat until I got to the base of it. She shivered under my touch and I growled happily. I kissed the spot that would soon make her mine. Just as my fangs came out, I pulled away. I can't do it. Not like this. Her beautiful orbs looked up at me. "What's wrong?" She asked softly. I shook my head and stood.

"I'll be back soon. If you need anything, just ring a servant."

I walked out of her new bedroom, barely able to control myself. I needed blood. But I don't want to claim her like this. Not out of need, but out of love.

As I was walking I ran into someone. A guard. "Sir? Are you well?" I shook my head and leaned against the wall. "I want to you go and find me one of the strongest men you can find and bring him to me. I need to feast." A look of understanding crossed his face and he turned to give orders to other guards. I took deep breaths, the pain of my beloved replying in my mind. I carefully slipped into her thoughts. 'Why did he leave me?' 'Was it because of James?' Then the most painful. 'I'm going to be rejected...' I yelled in frustration. This wasn't how this is suppose to happen. She's suppose to be feeling my love, not be scared of me rejecting her!

"Hurry with that human!" My voice echoed through the castle.

Darcy's POV

I couldn't move from where he had left me. Why did he leave me? If it wasn't for James he probably would want to drink from me!

Suddenly I felt very tired.

I stood slowly and climbed into the bed that was suppose to be the place where I was finally claimed. Just as I started to close my eyes I heard a knock on the door. Slowly I climbed out of the bed and walked to the door. "Who is it?" I called softly, trying to wipe my tears away. If only I wasn't half-human! Then my emotions wouldn't betray me! "It's your maid." A tiny voice said.

Quickly I opened my door to see that the owner of the tiny voice was indeed tiny. She didn't look more than four feet. She smiled a little at me. "My name is Lily, ma'am. I will help you dress and bath." I looked at her in confusion. She was wearing an actual maid looking outfit. "Dress and bath me? I think I can put my jeans on by myself." I said trying to lighten the mood for me. She frowned. "What are jeans? That wasn't mentioned in your dressing arrangements. I'll have to ask the master about that..."

I looked at her weirdly. "Then what am I suppose to wear?" It was her turn to look at me weirdly. "Your dresses of course." She looked down at what I was wearing. "Good heavens! You're practically naked!"

Normally I would have said some kind of comeback, but instead I felt my body give out and fell to the floor.

I could hear Lily screaming something into the hallway, but everything had turned black. 'Huh, guess all that no eating finally caught up to me...'

The last thing I remember before slipping out of consciousness was warm arms wrapping around me.


I opened my eyes to see I was in a strange room. Everything was black and cold, nothing like the bedroom Nikolai had first brought me too. "Nikolai?" I called out. I heard a small chuckle. "Oh look, the brat's awake. Doesn't she look so helpless, love?" Nikolai said. "What? Where am I?" I asked, looking around to see if I could spot where he was at. "You're in the basement of the castle. A place where other girls like you go when their beloved's don't want them." A female voice said. "I mean, look at you. Half-human and half-vampire. Who would want to be tied to someone like you?" "No one." Nikolai's words pierced my half-soul.

I felt tears slip down my my cheeks. "Why are you saying things like that? You're my beloved!" I said, more to myself than to him. There was shuffling in front of me and there stood Nikolai with some girl on his arm. She was exquisitely dress with a crowd to match her stunning golden dress.

It was then I noticed what I was wearing. Rags that had been terribly sewn together. Nikolai leaned down in front of me, grabbing my chin in his fingers. "Yes, sadly you are my beloved. So you are here where I can easily accesses you when my needs have to be filled." The woman laughed and he went back to her side.

"Who are you?" I asked her, trying to sound confident.

"I'm his choice beloved, A.K.A Queen of RedStorm."

I suddenly snapped awake. I was breathing heavily, tears actually streaming down my face. It was just a dream Darcy, just a dream.

Suddenly there was a loud bang next to me and I turned to see the door had been broken off of it's hinges, a very tired and messy looking Nikolai standing in it's place. He ran to my side and lifted me into his arms, kissing all over my face. "Thank the heavens you're awake!" I heard him say in between kisses. "I thought I lost you forever! Don't ever do anything like that again! I will make sure that you eat every meal every day until I change you to a full vampire."

He took wrist and put it to his nose. Then his eyes snapped open and he laid my down on the bed. The second my back hit the bed, he was on top of me. I shivered as he began kissing up my arm and to my neck. "Promise me that you'll never leave me." He said, demandingly.

The feelings he was putting into me left my speechless.

I quickly nodded and he growled. "I can't hear you!" He growled against my neck. "I'll never leave you." I said, trying to catch my breath. But that wasn't good enough. "I want you to swear on the Sun Goddess! Say you'll never leave me!"

I couldn't take it any longer.

"I swear on the Sun Goddess that I will never leave you!"

The minute the words left my lips, I felt him fangs go into my neck, claiming me as his.


Yay! Next chapter will have a picture of Lily on it.

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