Chapter Seven - The Date (Part Two)

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Chapter Seven - Darcy's POV

As I finished my drink, Nikolai took my hand in his. I looked over to see that he was staring at me carefully. "What is it?" I asked. He slowly rose my hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. "I just can't believe I have you now. The pain I felt that day on your 16th birthday when I couldn't find you..." I quieted him with a light kiss. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything to stop what happened. I was promised to James even before my birthday."

He put his hand against my cheek. "You know you're going to have to be changed." I nodded. "I'll be a official vampire with you. My first true look at someone will be you." That calmed him down a little and we relaxed again. "So, where are you taking me?" He smiled. "Surprise. I wasn't sure what kind of human food you eat, but I assumed you'd like the place we're going. I've heard it's good." I nodded. "I'm used to cafeteria food, so anything will be better than that." My mind wondered what he could be taking me to. Then a thought burst through my mind, I have a food allergy. "Nikolai, there's something you should know." A look of concern crossed his face and I knew he was trying not to read my mind. "I have a food allergy. Multiple actually."

He nodded and squeezed my hand a little. "What are they, beloved?"

I frowned. "Well, I don't know all of them. I had help with it by my father and James." I racked my brain for all memories that involved some sort of reaction. "Tree-nuts, red velvet cake, and cinnamon. Those are the ones that I know of." Nikolai leaned back against his seat and nodded.

"I'll make sure that none of those things are in the restaurant. I won't have you get sick on your first date with me." He smiled and then added, "Or at all." "My first date in general." I corrected him and his eyes widened. "This is your first date?" "Yep. My clan didn't believe in dates until after a marriage. Even then they didn't call it a date. It was 'A Feeding Night'." Nikolai smiled. "James didn't take something from us did he?" I shook my head and smiled. He then learned forward and ran his fingers down my hair. "Our children are going to have the most beautiful looks thanks to their mother." At first I was shocked, then I remembered something. This was a different clan. They do different things. "You don't find a human child and change them?" I asked. "Of course not! That's mean and they won't really be vampires then."

I looked down at my lap. "I was made that way. I'm kinda happy your clan doesn't. It is painful when they do it."

"No, you and I will have children the natural way."

Just as I was about to ask him what clan this was, the limo stopped. "We're here." He smiled happily. We got out of the limo to see the most amazing venue I'd ever seen. "It's beautiful here!" I said, stunned. "I'm glad you like it. Let us go eat." He took my hand and rested it on his arm. As we walked in I saw that there wasn't a lot of people there. "I had then only accept a couple of people. People as in high vampires of the court and their guests only. Wouldn't want a human to hear everything we talk about that has to deal with our race now do we?" He said jokingly. "Of course not." I said in the same tone he used.

He laughed and a waiter escorted us to a table in the far corner of the very large room. As we approached it, I saw that it was a table actually fit for a king. It had plush seats that matched the long velvet curtains that could be closed for more privacy. Next to the table was large window to look out into the night if wanted.

Nikolai help me sit down and then went to talk to the head chef probably about my allergies.

I looked out the window and saw a beautiful garden below. It had almost every flower in the world that were arranged like a maze. 'That sounds fun.' I thought to myself. Soon I was taken out of my thoughts by a cough behind me. I turned to see a older looking vampire with who I guessed was his beloved. "My Queen," He said bowing, "I am the head of the council and this is my beloved." The woman curtsied. "I'm Olivia." She said, her voice low and motherly. "I guess I'm the new queen, but you can call me Darcy." I said smiling. "I'm not sure your beloved would care for that very much." Mr. Head of the Council said. "My name is Henry." He said, realizing I didn't know how to address him.

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