Chapter Eight - The Ring

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Chapter Eight - Darcy's POV

We arrived at a nearby park and Nikolai took my hand. "I will not get in your way while you feast. I also won't be feasting tonight, your blood has made my body only crave you, so it would be unsafe for me to feed while you are. Go now." I climbed out of the limo and looked around the park. After a moment my senses took over and I spotted a man on the other side of the park.

I used my vampire speed to run to him and jumped on his back, biting into his neck. The warm, sweet blood washed over my tongue. I pulled away when I felt the aching go away. The man was hypnotized so he immediately started on his way home, forgetting what had happened. Two hands came around my waist and a felt Nikolai's breath against my neck. "You don't know how hard it was to see you take another man's blood. Darcy, it took everything in me to not rush to you and kill the man. Please do not drink from a man except for me. Don't want to do anything drastic do we?" He turned me in his arms to look at me. I nodded and leaned up, pressing my lips to his. I felt his worry leave instantly. The feeling of his lips on mine made me forget the world around me.

He pulled away and smiled at me. "Now I have one more surprise for you." I tilted my head to the side, wondering. Nikolai took my hand and pulled me over to a bench, softly setting me down on it.

I looked at him curiously, wondering what he possibly could surprise me with. Suddenly he pulled a box out of his pocket, getting down on one knee. "N-Nikolai..." My voice cracked. This was too fast... I know I love him but- he softly kissed me, distracting my thoughts. "Shh, calm down my love. I am not proposing."

This made me relax instantly. He opened the box and inside of a ride made of simple gold and bronze. It was woven together like a vine, soft emerald leafs dotting it. "Oh my gosh... It's beautiful!" He smiled breathtakingly and slipped the ring on my ring-finger. "This is a promise. A promise that we fit together in every single way and when the day comes we will marry. Darcy, I haven't known you for very long yet my heart and soul soar as if we'd never been apart for all those years."

Tears softly fell down my cheeks. His words wrapped my heart with warmth and I couldn't believe he truly loved me. Nikolai truly loved me! "Darling, you're making me nervous as I have not received an acceptance of this from you... If there is another-" I quickly stopped his words by kissing him.

This kiss was like no other. It showed all the love and desire I felt for him; feelings that I had previously locked away. I smiled as his lips moved against mine. He growled gently. "Darcy, tell me you accept me. Please accept me..."

I pulled away from the kiss, moving back to look at him. His eyes were bright with hope and a bit of fear of my rejection. "Nikolai..." I felt his breath catch in his throat as he waited for me answer that would break or bind us together- forever.

"I accept you."


Short chapter, I apologize. Writers block and I'm not quite sure what to do with this story. Any ideas of how to continue it? Please message me if so!

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