Chapter Five - Mr. Grant Thorne

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Chapter Five - Darcy's POV

I gasped as everything he felt poured into my head. Passion ripped through me as he said everything possible. I couldn't believe how amazing this felt. James had said that it would hurt at first, but then it would feel amazing. Well he was wrong. It didn't even hurt at all.

A small moan escaped my lips and his fangs went back in.

Nikolai licked the stray blood off of my neck and kissed the spot, healing it. I pulled his head up to mine and kissed him. "Darcy, I'm sorry if I got a little possessive. I couldn't stand the thought that I would lose you. The animal side of me pushed through and I couldn't stop." I smiled a little at his concern. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked as he leaned his forehead against mine. "No beloved, you didn't hurt me. It felt absolutely amazing." I bit my lip before saying the last part. "And your possession is kinda sexy."

Before he could say anything else I slammed my lips to his. Nikolai eagerly returned the kiss. I tangled my fingers in him hair and in one swift moment turned him over so I could be on top.

"My turn..." I whispered lowly in his ear. He growled when I straddled his hip and trailed down his neck. I wasn't very good at teasing, but his mind told me that whatever I was doing, was working it's magic on him.

My fangs extended and I sunk them into his neck.

The sweet liquid poured into my mouth. It was the best I'd ever had. I felt Nikolai grip my hips and I moved mine against his.

"Oh Darcy..." His deep and husky voice tempted. I pulled my fang out and before I could clean the blood off, Nikolai pulled me into a deep kiss. His hands traveled up my side, successfully exposing my stomach for him to touch. Desire filled me as my hands traveled down his chest. A deep hum coming from Nikolai said he felt the same.

Just as it was getting heated, I heard the sound of someone messing with the broken door.

Nikolai quickly pulled me behind him.

"Oh, look what we have here." A deep masculine voice said. Nikolai growled again. "Grant! What the heck!" He yelled. After rearranging my shirt, I peeked around his arm to see a man who looked similar to Nikolai. The man smiled at me and stepped into the room. "It's a first to see you in bed with someone. You are so faithful to your beloved." This Grant guy walked to my side of the bed and grabbed my hand, planting a kiss in the middle.

"I am Grant Thorne, your beloved's twin."

I gasped and looked him up and down. He did look a little like Nikolai. The eyes were different...

"Nikolai, dear brother, you may want to distract your beloved. She seems to have an eye for other men." Grant smirk at my blush. "Very funny, brother. Now would you care to explain why you interrupted us?" I shivered as Nikolai sat up and pulled me into his lap, massaging my hips.

Grant shrugged. "Like I said. I'd heard that she had finally woke up and heard some noises come from this room. Might I suggest that next time you two get it on, that you go to a room with a door. Wouldn't want any male servants to come by and see their queen in such a state. Not that I mind seeing it." His eyes looked over my body. I once again blushed and hid my face in Nikolai's shirt. When I looked back I saw that Grant's eyes had darkened. "She's half-human?" He asked, looking me straight in the face.

"Yes, she is. Why?" Without answering his question, Grant walked closer. "I bet her blood tastes... different. Mind if I have a taste?"

Nikolai growled loudly and set me on the bed, going into a defensive stance in front of me. "Get. Out. Now." Grant's eyes were still on my neck. "Fine. I'll see you two later." He stalked out of the room. I watched and couldn't help but think how toned his body was. I guess everyone here has nice abs.

My thoughts were diverted by Nikolai slamming his lips to mine.

"You will never think of any other male that way! Especially my brother!" He yelled dominantly, kissing down my neck to where he had feasted on me. The second his lips made contact with the healing skin, my insides clinched.

He traveled back up and kissed me.

As we kissed, something crossed my mind. I didn't know anything about Nikolai except that he was my beloved and was park of a strong (not to mention strange) clan.

He stopped, feeling my shift in mood.

"What's wrong?" I sighed and looked at him, studying his features. "I don't know anything about you." A look of understanding crossed his face, and then one of thought. "Well, in that case I have one solution to that problem." I looked at him curiously. "What would that be?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"


The picture on the side is Grant, his brother.

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