Chapter two

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Percy Jackson. Just kissed me. And still is.
I snap out if my little faze and kiss back. He smiles into the kiss and I giggle. He pulls back and looks at me. "Is that what you were waiting for?" I nod and he laughs.
"I'm tired." I whisper.
He nods and lays beside me. It's like, 4 in the morning. "Goodnight Lyric." He whipers right before I fall asleep.


I look down at Lyric. She almost makes me forget why I came back home. Why me and Annabeth broke up. Why me and Leo dont talk that much.

I dont know why I kissed her. When I met her after she got done playing the guitar mom bought for me, I just instently thought we had a connection. Eh, call me the cheesy romantic type, I dont care. I cant help it.

I wrap my arms around Lyric's waist and slowly fall asleep.



I wake up to Sally lightl shaking me. "Percys in the kitchen making waffles. If you want, you can take a shower. There's shampoo and conditioner and a towel on the cabinet." she says and walks out.

I get a clean Sleeping with Sirens t-shirt, black skinneys and undergarments. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower.

As Im wrapping myself in a towel, I hear the bathroom door swing open. I forgot to lock the door!

I look and see Percy standing there, blushing a deep red. "Uh, sorry." He says, still standing there.

"Uhm, could you get out? I kinda need to get dressed." I say, pulling the towel closer. "Oh yeah sorry." he says, the gets out and shuts the door.

I quickly lock the door and get dressed, picking up my mess and walk out.

"Sally? Where do you want me to set my dirty clothes?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. "Uh, theres a laundry hamper in Percy's room. Go ahead and set them there." She answers and places some plates on the table.

I put them in the hamper and sit on the bed to dry my hair. after its dry enough to styl it the way I want, I hang my towel on the back of the desk chair and walk into the dining room. Percy looks up at me and blushes.

Sally hands me a plate with blue waffles on them and bacon. I slowly take the plate, and look up at Sally. "Thank you, but Im a vegetarian." I say. "Oh, no problem. Here, Percy, eat this."she says and hands the bacon to him. I grab the blueberry syrup and eat the food.

"So after breakfast, Percy's going to show you around. Sound good?" Sally says and I nod.

We finish and I put my shoes on, then grab my jacket and wallet. I look at my arm and unwrap the gauze and look at my arm. The cuts look slightly swollen. I put on my jacet and walk out to meet Percy at the door. "Ready?" he asks. I slightly nod and he walks out the door as I follow.


The first place I want to show her was the strip mall we have here. Mom gave me money to buy her stuff. I figured from her shirt that she would like Hot Topic and Spenchers so I grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her there. She saw the signs in the window and smiled up at me. She held my hand tighter and pulled me in.


He took me to Hot Topic. Hot Topic!

Can I marry this dude? I thought as I ran towards the skinny jeans part.

The person thats at the counter comes over to me.

"Hey, how old are you?" He asks."16. Why?" I ask. "Do you want a piercing?" He asks.

"Sure. How much?" I ask, pulling out my wallet. "$60" he says. I nod and he walks to a small room. I look up at Percy. "Can you come with me?" I ask. He laughs and nods. I take his hand and he comes to the room the guy went in.

"Where do you want the piercing to be?" The guy asks me as I sit down. "My lip. Spider bite." Percy lightly squeezes my hand as the guy gets out the needle.

*A/N I dont know how peircings go so Imma skip this*


I quickly pay the dude as he puts the extra lip rings in a bag. "Thank you." I say as Percy pulls me out the door.

"Whats your mom going to say?!?" I say as we get close his apartment.

He freezes and looks at me with wide eyes.

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