(The photo shows Urgot before his rework & one of Akali's skins for all you non-LoL players)
Tristana: Can I ask you a question?
Ziggs: Go ahead.
Tristana: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
Ziggs: ...
Old man selling vegetables: I did it, just like you ordered.
Answer: I shall reward you in a way you deserve...
5 mins later:
Story could be shorter part 1:
Ziggs: Just say our friend has taken a 'BigTrip'.
Rumble: Let's try Teemo's herbs first.
Part 2:
Tristana: I got an idea. We should go to see some lower levels!
Rumble & Ziggs: We ain't coming.
Part 3:
Teemo: How does this actually help us?
Warwick: It doesn't lol.
Part 4:
Old man: It's worth thousands in credits, but eat it!
Woman: Sry I'm allergic.
Shoutout for Envy_theJealous for his/her fantastic jokes:
The mysterious woman: (throws away her face's left side)
The rower: It looks like...
Woman: What?
Rower: you are...
Woman: Huh?
Rower: ...all right.