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Rose: be Dave.

You are now Dave. What will you do?

Dave: go to school.

You don't go to school. Because you're homeschooled. Bro teaches you everything you need to know.

Right now, Bro has gone for a short break, so you're free to do whatever you want.

Dave: go down to the nearest gas station and buy a Coke.

You don't like to leave the apartment that much. Besides, there are plenty of sugary sodas in the fridge.  You take one out, but put it back without drinking. There is no substitute for apple juice, no matter how suuary and delicious it may be.

Apple juice. For the win.

Dave: grab an apple juice.

You captchalogue some apple juice to drink for later.

Dave: go up to the roof.

You head up to the roof, hoping that your bro isn't already chilling up there. You're getting kind of tired of having the crap beat out of you.

It's moderately nice out. Weather forecasts say there'll be a heat wave soon, though, so you figure you might as well enjoy the blue skies and non-frying-your-pants-off sun.

Nobody is on the roof. Good. Sometimes, it's easier to chill alone. Well, alone with several hundred fucking crows.

Dave: push crows out of the way.

There is an insane amount of crows up here. You try to shoo them off, but only succeed in looking stupid and forcing approximately one crow to fly away. Later, this crow will become your sprite as you enter the Medium, but let's not get into that. Because it's just too cliche.

Dave: drink apple juice.

You pop open the apple juice, successfully ignoring Egbert's warnings about weird monsters and bodily fluids. You raise it to your lips... but of course a bunch of feathery assholes fly in your face at that eact moment.

Now, you kind of like crows and ravens. You actually have a few chillin' in your room, just for ironic purposes. But these things are violent. They keep trying to peck your arms and legs and pretty much annoying the heck out of you.

Dave: Abjure.

You shout strings of curses at the crows, but as they are animals and predictable don't understand strife, they simply continue to beat the shit out of you.

Dave: Strife!

You draw your katana, with which you hack at the birds. But there are a LOT of them, and it will take eternity for you to get them all....

THUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNK. A bunch of arrows are thrust through most of the birds, some projectiles even skewering two or three of them. The rest of the birds fly away.

Dave: Look at adjacent buildings.

You scan the other buildings, ignoring the dead bodies of the avian assholes scattered at your feet. A couple rooftops away, A girl with long blonde hair and glasses waves. Then, like a mirage, she shimmers and disappears. You shrug. There's weirder stuff out there.

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