Spin the bottle/ Gilbert Blythe

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Note: you are 18 in this story.
One day after school Anne invited you to hang out with her and some of the school at her house, you said yes of course.
When you arrived you noticed she was joking about some of the school was going to be there, and of course Josie pye was their. As you started scanning the room some more you noticed another face that made you get nervous, Gilbert Blythe. Ever since that day when he tried to kiss you and rejected him because you didn't know what to do, made things awkward between you. "Lets play spin the bottle." Anne shouts to the crowd of people. We all sat down and I noticed Billy, the worst person you could ever meet was sitting across from me, giving me eyebrows. Lucas noticed and got a bit jealous, so he sat down next to Billy to make sure to shut him up when he needed to. Anne sat next to you and you  said "Alright Anne since it was your idea, you go ahead!" Anne gives you a playful look before spinning the bottle, who new it was going to land on Billy, which made you thankful but also feel sorry for Anne. "Ew, I'm not kissing that wet dog!" Billy shouts making the class laugh except for you, Diana, and Gilbert. "Well no one would want to kiss a insecure little boy!" You shout back and the room gets filled with "ooooh"s. Billy stands up and comes over to you, "what did you just say to me?!" He asks you cocking one eyebrow as Anne steps back again. You feel the anger boil in you, "I said... no one would want to kiss a. Insecure. Little. Boy!" You shout as you stand up. "What're you going to do? You can't hurt me you little weakling." He says now towering over you, but you were used to it. "Nothing, because someone like you doesn't deserve my attention or anyone's in fact!" You shout as you sit back down and Anne sits down with you, you give her a hug before it was Ruby, who sat next to Anne ,had to spin the bottle. After a couple of rounds it was Gilbert's turn. You started to feel nervous and couldn't help but look up at him as he got ready to spin the bottle, he met your eyes for a split second before spinning the bottle, and it landed on...Ruby?! Ruby stood before Gilbert could even manage to process that it landed on her. He stood up and started slowly making his way to her, as they started to lean in You whisper to Anne, "I'm sorry." and you rush out of the room, making Gilbert retract from her and follow after you. "Wait, (y/n)!" Gilbert called after you. You kept running and so did he, you finally stopped at a tree and caught your breath. You heard footsteps behind you and it was Gilbert. You turn around, "you should go back, Ruby really wanted to kiss you." You say looking down at your feet, leaning against the tree. He took a couple steps closer, "maybe I didn't want to kiss her." He adds. He got closer to where your bodies were almost touching, he leans over to your head, "why did you run?" He whispers, his hot breath hitting your neck sending chills down your back. "Because...I couldn't watch you kiss her." You say a bit annoyed at the fact he was messing with you about it. "Well that doesn't make sense, cause I can recall that about 2 weeks ago I tried to kiss you and you ran away." He said blushing but still confidentially. "You don't understand!" You shout covering your face with your hands. He grabs your hands from you face, "what do you mean?" He's asks a bit concerned. You let a sigh before saying, "I've never kissed someone." You bit your lip at the embarrassment (reminder: you are 18 years old in this story.) "well neither have I." He said inching closer to you. You can feel his hot breath on your face and you couldn't help but close the gap between you, your soft lips on his. He gets closer making you lean harder in he tree as your kiss turned into more kisses. You push him away a little with your hands on his chest, "wow... let's not do this here though."You say letting out a soft giggle.
He lifts his hand to your cheek, caressing it. "Your beautiful, you know that?" He says tilting his head to the side to look at you more. You blush at that and give him another quick kiss before heading back to Anne's house. When you arrived you noticed everyone gone so Gilbert went back home to check on his dad, so it was just you and Anne. "What happened to you?" She asks as you get ready for bed. You smile at the thought of what happened and begin to tell Anne your romantic fairytale that came true, or so that's how Anne put it.

Hope you enjoyed have a good day!

Gilbert Blythe/ Lucas Zumann imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now