Beach day 2/Lucas Zumann

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Here you go,I'm so happy you guys enjoyed this story!

For the rest of the day it was pretty awkward, especially when Lucas steals a couple glances from you and makes it totally obvious, but luckily Dalila and Aymeric are completely oblivious and don't notice. After dinner you decided to play a game of truth or dare, Aymeric goes first, "Truth or Dare?" Dalila asks Aymeric. "Dare!"He says with a funny grin. "Okaayyyyy... go next door and ask for toilet paper." Dalila says, giggling. And he does, he comes back with two roles of toilet paper. "Your lame." Lucas says, laughing. You look over at him and roll your eyes, "I think that was awesome!" You say, trying to irritate Lucas. He catches on, "oh really?" He asks, putting a playful smirk on his face.
"Alright (y/n), your turn."Dalila says turning towards you. "Truth or Dare?" You look around the room and your eyes land on Lucas, him smirking back at you in as mischievous way. "Dare." You say calmly.
Dalila looks at the clock and noticed how late it was, "I Dare all of us to go to bed." Dalila says, yawing. You didn't even realize how tired you were. Amybeth was smart enough to go to bed after dinner but we stayed up. "Sounds good to me." You say, Lucas glaring at you. You know he wants to talk but your nervous to what he has to say. The four of you head to bed, except Lucas. He walks outside and sits on the front porch,once you noticed everyone else was gone to bed you headed outside with him. "Hey." You say sitting next to him. He looks over at you, looking deep into your eyes, "man, even when you sit your still short!" He says playfully. You roll your eyes and stand up to walk back inside, "Wait! I'm sorry, I was just trying to mess with you." He says standing up, walking towards you slowly. You look down at your feet, "it's alright, I'm just really tired." You say yawning. He grabs your hand and kisses the back of it, locking your eyes with his. You feel a blush creep on your face and giggle, "your a flirt, Zuboy." You say, biting your lower lip. He laughs at the nickname and sighs, looking out at the starry sky. "We need to talk about what happened earlier today, about the... ya know..." He trails off. "Kiss?" You finish for him, cocking an eyebrow. He looks at you, inching closer to your face but you pull away before he can get closer, "sorry...I can't kiss you." You say, looking out into the sky again. " you regret the kiss?" He asks, a look of hurt in his eyes.
"No...I just...I don't wanna kiss somebody that isn't mine." You say, frustration in your tone. "What do you mean?" He asks, putting his hands in the air.
"Because I don't know what's happening between us?!" You ask, stepping toward him fast, inches away from his face again. "We like each other, that's what's happening!" He shouts, getting frustrated like you. "How can we like each other when we compete with each other 24/7?" You ask, laughing stiffly. He places his hands on your cheeks firmly and pulls you in for a kiss, and for some reason you couldn't find the nerve to pull away. "We like each other because when we kiss, we don't pull away." He says with a sweet smile on his face. You haven't seen this side of him since a month ago, he has changed over a period of time. He used to be so sweet and innocent but now he's forward and strong, it was almost intimidating the way he was looking at you. He actually was showing his old side again, for a split second, then he wiped the smile of his face and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. He leans over to your ear, "your mine." He whispers into your ear, goosebumps forming on your arms and neck. You bite your bottom lip before kissing him on the cheek, "I don't think I said I was." You say sarcastically. He raises his eyebrows and picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, he heads to his bedroom (don't get any ideas ya nasty.) and plops you in the bed he lays next you and turns over to face you, "your mine." He says again, but this time it almost sounded like a command. "Am I?" You ask sarcastically. "Yes, no one else's." He says lustfully, he starts to trail his hand up your leg but you stop him before he can go any further by grabbing his hand away and pushing it back to his chest, "slow down tiger." You say playfully. He rolls his eyes and kisses you, "Alright." Is all he says before you snuggle up and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Hope you enjoyed:)

Gilbert Blythe/ Lucas Zumann imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now