Runaway train/ Gilbert Blythe

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Listen to the song I put while reading this, it gives you the feels.

You've lived in Green Gables for 3 years, you were an orphan, abused, mistaken, and broken.
The only people who ever showed you love were Anne, Diana, Ms. Cuthbert, and Gilbert.
Your orphan parents moved leaving you in Green Gables because they didn't want you anymore. You lived by yourself for a year alone, but no one knew about it. You couldn't take it anymore, you were alone and afraid, so you decided to pack up your things and leave. Before you left you wrote a note to each of your friends and left it on there door step, so they hopefully won't get it until tomorrow morning.
————the next day———
You got on the train, it was about a 30 min. wait until the train would start it's way to where ever you were going, you just didn't want to be in Green Gables anymore, you wanted to see the world.
You took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears straining in your eyes. The train started and you started getting a weird feeling in your stomach, guilt?

Gilbert's POV.
When I got (y/n) letter I was shocked! How could she leave?! I couldn't let that happen, I will miss her too much! I grabbed my coat and ran as fast as I could to Anne's house, she told me she got a letter too!
We ran all the way to the train station, hopefully she wasn't gone. We ran and ran and ran ,until we finally arrived, I saw (y/n) crying through the train window, making my heart almost shatter right then and there. What was wrong?
The train started, "(y/n)!" Me and Anne yelled at the same time.

Your POV
You heard yelling out the window when you saw Gilbert and Anne standing there yelling at me. You waved goodbye with a sad smile as the train started moving till you couldn't see them outside of your window anymore. You just sat their staring out the window, "I'm going to miss y'all." You whisper to yourself, as if you told your friends like they were their. You shut your eyes and take deep breaths.

Gilbert's POV
I didn't even think before I jumped on the side of the train, leaving Anne at the station. I found a door to the inside the train and opened it. There she was, the most beautiful girl I've seen, looking sorrowfully out the window. "(y/n)." I say gently placing my hand on her shoulder

Your POV
"(y/n)" you hear a voice that you never thought you would hear again. "Gilbert?!" You shout wiping your head around facing towards him. "What are you doing? You should be in Green Gables!" You say, getting worried. He places his hand on your cheek, "anywhere you go, I'll follow." He says looking deep into your eyes. " can't." you say, taking his hand off your face and holding it in your own.
"Why?" He says, tears filling up his eyes. You couldn't help but let a tear fall down your cheek, "because I love you enough to let you go." You say looking away from him and out the window again. He sits down in the empty seat next you. "And I love you enough to hang on." He says kissing her cheek. "Come back to me..." He whispers, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I cant... it hurts too much!" You say, crying as well. "Come back and tell me why you can't stay, and if I agree I will let you go, if not... you'll stay with me." He says stubbornly.
You like the sound of possibly staying with Gilbert, but it was a risk, a risk you would like to take, "okay." You whisper, your voice cracking as Gilbert pulls you into a tight hug.
————time skip————
You told Gilbert about your rough life, he agrees on why you would want to leave, but being the stubborn person he is, he made you stay which you didn't mind because your relationship blossomed as you spent more time with him. You lived with him for the rest of your days, knowing how lucky you were to call him yours.
You got married several years later and had 2 kids.
A boy and a girl named Asher and Rosie, Gilbert taught Asher to farm as you thought Rosie to clean, Making happy memories with each other.

Ahhhhhh I got chills writing this!
Did anyone else get chills?

Gilbert Blythe/ Lucas Zumann imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now