{The Destruction Of Indifference}

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

{The Destruction Of Indifference}

Lightning can strike, not once but twice, we are prove of that.

I never let my heart be scarred by anyone other you, you dirty little aristocrat.

You push me away with you nose held high like I was below your haughty line of sight.

But what doubt you had was gone at night only to return with the first ray of light.

You pretended I was ghost, invisable to your eyes.

Blinded by my lust and need I swallowed your fake assurances and lies.

Come morning dawn you tormented my every waking thought until the sky would fall to dusk,

When we would revel in the wafting scent of our lovers musk.

Your touch could shake my foundation until I had nothing left to build upon,

Your destruction was so complete but felt as soft as the most expensive chaffon.

You were the devestation I never could forget no matter how I tried.

The price for your beautiful torture was to sacrifice what was left of my pride.

Your kisses tasted of the exclusive decadence you so craved,

Your indiffrence wasn't the only thing I longed for that was depraved.

Lightning can strike, not once but twice, proved by this behind closed doors affair.

A taste of a lifestyle that for a poor soul like me was more than I should have ever dared. 

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