Running for my Life

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My eyes fluttered open to see nothing but darkness.

“What? Wher… where am I?” My mind was clouded and my thoughts were all jumbled, I couldn’t tell real from fiction.

The room around me was pure black, with a small single, thick metal door on one wall. A dark and cloudy figure stood on the opposite side.

“He..” I coughed but I tried again to get his attention.

“Hello? Can… can you get me out of here?” The door slowly opened with a loud screech.

“Please.. Please let me out.” My lips were dry and I was very thirsty. My hands were chained To the wall behind me and I was on my side lying down. I slowly tried to sit up but was stopped by a large hand on my shoulder.

“Save your strength, experiment. You won’t last long without it.”A deep voice rumbled through the dark room. The hand pushed me back down onto the floor with a strong push. I hit the cold pavement with force. I let out a whimper of pain.

“Oh don’t tell me the wittle wolf is in pain?” The deep voice mocked me. Then I felt a hand on my neck, grasping so tightly I couldn’t breath.

“Now tell me, how did you become a wolf?!” He yelled in my face

“I… dont… know…” I literally had to choke out, because he had such a tight grip on my neck. I reached up and tried to loosen his grip, but it didn’t work.

“TELL ME!!” He screamed in my face, then slammed me against the back wall so hard, I woke up.



I shot up and my eyes literally shot open as well. I found myself still sitting in the same alley I fell asleep in. My breathing was heavy, these nightmares of my past were getting worse. I had sweat trickling down my face and my heart was racing. My dark brown hair and clothes were drenched because it was raining. I wasn’t cold thought, werewolfs apparently give off enough body heat to keep themselves warm, even on the coldest nights.

Maybe I should explain some things. Well, first off I don’t turn into a fuzzy 4 legged wolf, I only have their attributes, like body heat, strength, agility, senses, reflexes and intelligence. Oh! I can also hear other peoples heartbeats and feel their emotions, and I can make my eyes glow blue when I want to.

Even if the rain didn’t make me cold, I still hated it. I stood up my makeshift bed and walked out of the alley way. Looking both ways before I excited the alley, I ran off to my right, looking for some kind of shelter. With my “wolf sight” I could see through the rain and night as if it was clear as day. The only downfall was whenever I used my wolf sight, my eyes would glow so it wasn’t exactly the stealthiest of abilities.. I ran a couple blocks before I found an old abandoned house.

“perfect” I thought

I went up to the door, locked. no problem, I just body checked the door and it burst open.

“Thank god for wolf strength.” I said quietly. Dust instantly filled my lungs and I had a coughing fit. Once that was over I walked in to see a couch in the center of the room, a small table, some broken chairs and an old dusty carpet. The house was small, had only one floor, and was pretty much just one big room.

“It’s not be the most luxurious, but it keeps the rain off my head.” I said with a sigh as I walked over to the couch. As I sat down a cloud of dust puffed up in my face. I had another coughing fit.

Broken (a TMNT fanfic) MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now