Introducing Artemis, (Misty)

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Jess POV


Saving Leo from the mutagen was possibly the stupidest thing I have ever done. But I don't care, I could not just stand around and watch Karai hurt the ones I care about, especially Leo.

From what I could hear, I was back in the lair, thank god, and I could hear fractions of the conversations the guys were having around my unconscious body.

'wait… if i'm unconscious… how can I hear the guys?' I thought. The thing that happened next, totally freaked me out.

'you’re undergoing mutation Jess.' a voice responded. It didn't come from in the real world but from in my head! It was a  girls voice, and it didn't sound much older than my own.

'of course I don't sound older than you, I am a part of you. A re-creation, if you will.'

'Okay, as you can probably guess, i'm freaking out about having ANOTHER FREAKING VOICE INSIDE MY HEAD!! so can you please, just tell me who you are and why your in my head!'

'okay okay jeez. calm down. I'm Artemis, otherwise known as your 'inner wolf"'  She answered.

'wait… how can I talk to you now… but not before?' I asked, genuinely curious.

'Remember how you saved your friend from the mutagen? Well, as soon as you started undergoing mutation on the way here, thats when I showed up. You’re not going to turn into a horrible reject mutant, because I am your mutation.' She explained. I was very confused.

'I just want you to know. I don't want to cause you trouble, thats not how I am. I am going to try and help you through this.'

'through what?! What could a voice inside my head help with through?!’

'okay, one, STOP YELLING! and two, I can't tell you, you have to figure it out on your own. But for now, lets just say, don't get angry. now get up.'

'wow thanks for being solo specific. and how do you exactly expect me to get up? I'm freakin unconscious at the moment!'

'fine, then let me help you.'

The girl in my head stopped talking to me and I could feel my eyes being willed oped, only I felt different. I felt like I was watching what was happening through my eyes on a tv screen, while someone else was occupying my body.

'wait…oh crap! did you seriously hy-jack my body?!?!'

'only to help you, after I explain a few things, you can have it back. oh btw and important thing to know about being a werewolf now, is that you are never fully unconsious, and you can force yourself to wake up if you practice'

'good to know...'

Artemis POV

I blinked a couple times to try and regain consciousness faster. I was met with bright lights and a pair of sky blue eyes staring at me. I knew from Jess’ memories and from being locked up inside her for 15 years that those eyes belonged to Mikey.

“Dudes! She’s waking up!” He exclaimed, looking at Donnie.

“What she’s not supposed to wake up for a couple more hours!”

Broken (a TMNT fanfic) MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now