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Frankly, Yoongi had had eNoUgH.

He had a horrible day that was just NOT getting any better.

He woke up on ths wrong side of the bed- LITERALLY. He woke up on the left side of the bed. Everyone knows right is ALWAYS right! It was hot on the left side and there were no comfort pillows. Yoongi knows he could have just reached over and grabbed one, but......he was too lazy.

Once Yoongi FINALLY got out of bed after 10 small naps consecutively, all of the food was gone. That's right. Not. A. Single. Crumb.

Yoongi knows for a FACT Seokjin always cooked in the mornings. Usually Yoongi would have been up, but it was one of his few off days. Of course he'd want to sleep in.

He called out to Seokjin in his groggy morning voice.


Seokjin rolled his eyes.
"What Yoongi?"

Yoongi looked at Jin like he was the piece of dog shit that got stuck to his shoes last week, dragging a huge brown stain across BigHit's hq. After the incident, BigHit became BigShit. But....that was irrelevant and Yoongi wondered why the author made him think about that weird incident.

"Hyung. There's. No. Food."

Seokjin blinked.



Seokjin walked calmly to the kitchen cabinet, pulling out 2 two basketballs.

"Hyung, where did tha-"

Yoongi was startled when Seokjin took the basket ball and threw it at Jungkook, who was sitting on the couch with bags of food in front of him on the table.

"YASSSSSSS" Jungkook screamed.

Yoongi was scared. "This kid's on crack i swear."

Seokjin threw the other basketball at Jungkook.


Yoongi stared, wondering when Jungkook would stop screaming, only to be cut off by a redfaced Jung Hoseok stumbling through the front door.

Hoseok took off his 2 feet high heeled stripper boots and pulled shorts over his g-string. He threw both heels at Jungkook's head, knocking him out.

Seokjin and Yoongi ran over to Jungkook trying to check his pulse with a potato.

"Mr.Jeon? Mr. Jeoooooooooooooooooooooon??"

Yoongi looked at Hoseok with widened eyes.

"Oh my fucking god. He fuckin dead"

Hoseok looked at Jungkook with disgust.

"Well he was a bitch. B-I-C-T-H"

Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung, and Jimin looked at the scene going on in front of them.

They looked at each other, nodding their heads and walking away.

That was enough socializing for today.

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