Chapter 5: Baby

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            Hearing Jake's voice, Yaran panicked and immediately slipped off of Timo. "I...I'm sorry." He got up onto his feet and reached out to the lad.

Grasping Yaran's offered hand, Timo stood up with the man's assistance. "There's no need to apologize. It was a pleasure having your lips on mine."

Yaran didn't know how to respond to that and decided to stay quiet.

"I love it when you're speechless," Timo flirted.

Samson gasped even louder than before, still unable to speak.

"You're a sly one, Timo." Jake chuckled. "You shouldn't be pulling such a prank, especially with Yaran. You know how your brother feels about him."

Brother? Yaran glanced from Jake to Timo and back. Who are they talking about?

"What...?" Lifting a hand to take a look at it, he wiggled his fingers and his eyes widened as realization hit him. "I need to use the toilet!" Timo announced and dashed to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. Holy smoke! I'm in Timo's body. How did this happen? Recalling what he did earlier, Bayne discovered that it was probably the result of him leaping right into Timo's path. Great. Now, how do I get out of his body? Trying to jump out only resulted in making Yaran's so-called housekeeper hopped up and down like a fool, so he figured that wouldn't work.

A soft knock came from the door accompanied by Samson's voice. "Timo, are you okay in there?"

Quickly unlocking the wooden barrier, Timo yanked it ajar. "Yes, I'm fine," he sang. Noticing Yaran staring with his beautiful doe eyes, Bayne pretended and carried on as though nothing was wrong. "Ah, as I was saying earlier; what smells so delicious?" To everyone's surprise, his stomach growled.

"Didn't you eat anything when you went out?" Samson asked.

"What is an outing without food? Of course, I ate something. I just don't recall it. Haha~" Timo hurried to the kitchen and the rest followed.

"You don't recall it?" Jake queried with a raised brow.

"I had a little of everything. I even enjoyed a scoop of cappuccino ice cream on a sugar cone for dessert."

Yaran was almost impressed by Bayne's ability to make things up.

"And yet, your stomach is rumbling at the moment." Samson narrowed his eyes in disbelief.

"Well, I have a high metabolism. I burned it all off walking home."

"Home?" Yaran wondered. "You live around here?"

"I live in the apartment beside this one."

"You live next door to me?"

"Yup. Isn't it great? I'm the perfect housekeeper, right? I could be here 24/7."

Yaran plastered on a forced smile when Timo's tummy thundered yet again.

"Great god! How is he this hungry?" Bayne rubbed at the chiseled abs whilst shouting at the body he was in. Noticing that Jake and Samson were gawking at him, he attempted to avert their attention elsewhere. " are making my mouth water. Are they done, yet? I'm starved."

"I suppose you guys know each other?" Yaran uttered.

"Yeah," Samson replied in an obvious tone. "How do you think Jake and I moved you in here?"

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