Chapter 11: Time

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            Yaran felt his ears reddening from the heat he was feeling at the moment. " going to sleep."

"With me?" Bayne flirted.

"With myself!" Yaran finished putting on his pajamas and slipped into bed.

"Unless you have a twin, that's going to be hard to do. Perhaps, I could pretend to be your twin."

"No, thanks." Pulling up the covers, he noticed Bayne sleeping next to him with their faces facing each other. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sleeping with you," Bayne answered nonchalantly.

"Aren't you a ghost?" Yaran reminded.

"Apparently so."

"Ghosts don't need to sleep."

"That's true," Bayne concurred.

"Then, why are you in bed with me?"

"First of all, I just saw you completely naked." Bayne grinned at Yaran's freaked expression. "It's going to be hard to get rid of me after such a pleasureful sight."

"Forget I asked." Yaran pulled the covers up to hide his blushing face.

"Aiyoh, don't hide your face." Bayne yanked the comforter down a tad to reveal the shy man's hidden features. "I love seeing you blush. It makes your pale skin look like the blossoming flowers of spring."

"Please stop talking," Yaran demanded.

"Okay." Bayne cooed. "Sleep. I'll just be right here watching you the whole night."

"Wow, a ghost watching me sleep the entire night. That's not creepy at all." Yaran joked.

"It's nice to see that my wittiness with words has rubbed off on you." Bayne smirked.

"Whatever. I'm too tired to argue with you."

Bayne snaked a hand over to caress Yaran's face. "Sleep."

Yaran felt his heart racing as he gazed at Bayne with large, innocent eyes. A smile spread across his face as he gradually dozed off.

"Dream of me..." Bayne furrowed his brows when he realized something. Pulling his hand away, he touched Yaran's face once more. I can't feel him anymore. His hand went right through Yaran's face and the shock made him back away quickly. Why can't I feel him?


Yaran woke up from the ringing of his phone and reached a hand out to blindly search for the gadget. Looking at the screen, he sighed. "What is it, Samson?"

"Well, good morning to you too, Yaran ge," Samson blurted. "Why are you so grumpy?"

"What time is it?" Yaran inquired.

"Um...7 o'clock," Samson replied.

"There's your answer."

"This is the time you usually wake up when you're at our place."

"I'm not at your place anymore." Yaran's eyes scanned the area for Bayne. Where is he?

"Hello?" Samson addressed when Yaran became silent. "Yaran ge...?"

"I'm listening," Yaran muttered. "What is it, Samson?"

"Ge, it's not good to be so grouchy this early in the morning."

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