Chapter 12: In Reverse

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            "What?" Yaran stared at Bayne confusedly. "What are you saying?"

"The person you long for is waiting for you," Bayne explained. "You've been here long enough. It's time for you to go back to him."

"The person I long for? Who? Who is this person?" Yaran rubbed a palm against his temple. "What's going on? What are you talking about? Bayne, my head hurts. My heart is trembling. I can't remember..."


"Yaran ge..."

Feeling his hand being squeezed gently, he shut his eyes in agony. Why can't I remember? Who's holding my hand?

"I miss you."

The sound of the person's soft sobs saddened him.

Releasing the man's hand, Bayne wiped the tears welling at his lashes. "I miss you so much..."


"Yaran ge, everything will be okay." Bayne smiled warmly as he reached a hand over to caress a side of Yaran's face.

I can't feel his touch. Yaran looked at Bayne in surprise.

"I know how you feel about me. I feel the same way about you. I just...never gathered the courage to tell you." Bayne's words were caught in his throat for a moment before continuing. "I..."


"I'm so stupid." A sad chuckle could be heard followed by sounds of sniffing. "If I knew that you would do that...that you would risk your life to save mine...I wouldn't have drank that night."

Wasn't I the one who was drunk?

"You wouldn't have to drive me home and use your body to shield me during the collision."

Bayne wasn't driving that night?

"It's my fault. I should be the one lying there. It should have been me. Why isn't it me?"

It was me. I drove...

"Yaran ge..." Bayne grasped his hand once more. "I..."


" you."

I could feel his touch again. Yaran gawked at Bayne in confusion. "Bayne."


"I love you...Yaran ge. Please..."

I... Yaran heaved a shaky breath.

"Please come back to me," Bayne pleaded.


"No matter what happens, I'll always be with you."

Feeling something pulling his body backward, Yaran gasped. "Bayne...I don't want to leave you."

"Everything will be okay," Bayne reassured.

"Don't let me go! I want to be with you."

"My silly, Yaran ge." Bayne said. "You're going to be with me."

"No..." Yaran shook his head as he reached out a hand for Bayne.

Instead of grabbing Yaran's hand, Bayne floated forward and kissed Yaran's lips. A tiny touch of their velvety soft lips which threw an impact as grand as the Kunlun Mountains. "I love you."

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