Chapter 9: Mangoes

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            "Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Joe tilted his head slightly to look at Timo.

"I...think so," he replied as he rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong with me? Why did I blank out right after I slipped?"

"You're probably just tired. I'm going to leave so that you could get some rest." Joe got up from his spot but halted in his steps when he heard Timo speak.

"The pizza...I still need to pay you for it."

"It's okay. I got it."

"No. I can't let you pay for it. You already made the delivery." Timo pulled his wallet out from his pants pocket and opened it.

Placing his hand on Timo's, Joe stopped him from taking out any money. "No. It's really okay. You guys already treated me to a delicious dinner."

"Wasn't there only dumplings and a pizza?"


"That's such a weird combination."

"Yes, but the dumplings were amazing."

"My brother loves dumplings, so Yaran ge makes them for him," Timo explained.

"I see. I guess the best way to win over a guy's heart is to fill his stomach." Joe beamed, since it was obvious that he was doing the same thing for Timo.

"You should take the money," Timo insisted.

"No," Joe rejected.

"What if your boss asks? Won't you get in trouble?"

Smiling warmly, Joe queried. "Are you worried about me?"

"I..." Timo's words were caught in his throat. "I don't want you to get yelled at. That's all."

"I'll remember not to yell at myself."


"I'm the owner of the pizza place."

"You..." Timo blinked. "Then, why have you been doing deliveries?"

"Because..." Joe hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I wanted to see you."

Timo let the information sink in before proceeding on. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes." Joe admitted with a nod.


"Because...I like you."

Joe's confession took Timo by surprise, so he sat there frozen in thought.

Seeing Timo's lack of reaction, Joe feared that he might have offended Timo. I really am just a pretend boyfriend after all. With a sigh, he headed to the door and was about to open it.

Noticing a set of keys that were on the counter, Timo went to snatch them and hurried after Joe. "Wait!" Timo's legs were either not coordinated today, or he was innately clumsy. His right foot slid on the clean tiles causing him to lose his balance at once. Stumbling toward Joe, his scream made the other turn around to look at him.

Joe saw the flailing male coming at him, but he didn't have time to respond. Timo's body collided into Joe's, pushing him against the door. His eyes widened when he realized that a pair of soft lips were pressed onto his.

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