Chapter 1

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"You were singing all the songs I don't know, now you're in the front row 'cause my song is popular. Popular, I know about popular. It's not about who you are or your fancy car, you're only ever who you were."

Popular Song - MIKA ft. Ariana Grande

"I've got a little confession. I don't know what I'm doing, but if you want you can play along. Maybe I'll wake and I'll find that I went and blew it, but til I do, I'll keep going strong. I make it up as I go."

Make It Up - Sam Tsui

Elsa sat down at her desk, wondering what outlandish antics Jack Frost had planned out for today. Would he pull another prank on the teacher, or would he pull the entire student body into something? Whatever it was going to be, it was sure to get on her nerves. She could always hear his voice singing loudly off key in the hallways between classes, as if it was a real 'High School Musical'. Whether or not he was aware that he had a terrible voice was something Elsa never could figure out. Despite all of this, he was still popular. It was difficult enough trying to ignore the racket that Jack caused between classes, but on top of it, Jack was popular. With popularity came the many students that gathered around. It was especially hard to avoid the girls always sashaying around him. A clatter of foot steps made Elsa turn to the door. She rolled her eyes as she saw Jack saunter into class late.

"Mr. Frost." The professor, Mr. Weselton, said coldly. "I do believe you are late." His eyes were hard as steel.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Next time I'll try to 'weasel' in on time." Jack said nonchalantly. Everyone snickered, except Elsa. Mr. Weselton glared at him.

"Just take a seat next to Ms. Arendelle. Let's hope her good habits rub off on you." He growled. He turned back to the board and continued teaching. Jack grinned. Now was his chance. He had been looking for an excuse to try to talk to the quiet and studious girl. She was rather interesting. An overwhelming amount of the student body was interested in his affairs, yet she wanted nothing to do with it at all. That alone was enough to pique his interest. Jack made his way across the room and slid into the seat next to Elsa.

"So, are you planning to rub off on me?"

"Shut up Frost." Elsa hissed. "I'm trying to listen." She didn't look away from the board.

"Do you know other girls would be happy to sit with me?"

"Then why don't you go sit with them and annoy them instead?" Elsa said, turning only to glare at him. Jack groaned. That had not gone as well as he planned it to. She probably wasn't going to say another word to him now. Sighing, he turned and looked at the clock. An hour more of torture, he mused as he squirmed impatiently in his seat. Jack looked around at the bored faces of his classmates. "Maybe I'll cheer them up a bit."

"Mr. Weselton?" Jack piped.

"What is it now Mr. Frost? This better be good." He tapped his foot impatiently.

"Can I go to the washroom?" Jack asked innocently.

"Make it quick." He snapped before carrying on with the lesson. Jack grinned. It was time to set his plan in motion.

Jack hopped back to class, feeling better ten minutes later. He quietly sat down, trying to stay on Mr. "Weasel's" good side. He was still carrying on about things that Jack had little interest in, so he was free to continue tuning him out. However, his joy was short lived. Mr. Weselton announced to the class that their assignment for the week would be writing about the thing they'd miss most about high school.

"I wanted to plan for prom and get out of high school, not write about it." He muttered as soon as the old man was out of ear shot. Elsa rolled her eyes.

"You better start writing or you'll be staying after class Frost." Jack snorted. There was no reason for him to write now since Mr. Weselton was sure to give him extra time after today's plan.

"Just leave me alone to write, okay?" Elsa continued. There was no answer from Jack. A quick glance confirmed that he was already zoning out again. Elsa glanced at the clock, realizing she had 40 minutes to start her homework. She ignored Frost and began to write, pouring her feelings across the page.

Jack's phone rang towards the end of class, interrupting everyone who was working quietly. He answered, to Elsa's dismay.

"Hello? Oh! Okay!" Mr. Weselton frowned.

"Give me the phone and sit down, Frost."

"But I need to pay the delivery boy!" He called, already running out the door. "I bought pizza for the class!" The class cheered. Elsa, on the other hand, remained unamused.

"So, that's his joke of the day." Elsa thought as she put her things away. It was obvious that she wouldn't get anything else done. "Strange, he usually ends it off with a bang at the end of the day." Elsa paused. "Why do I even know this?"

"Elsa! You want a slice?" Jack hollered from across the room. The bell interrupted him as Elsa grabbed her things and left without another word.

This is my newest project! It's based on song prompts, as you can see. I'm also working on the sequel to Rise of the Frozen Guardians! Sorry for keeping you waiting. The school schedule for this is four periods a day, and theres a day one and day two. Keep that in mind, because it's important.

A/N: I'm currently editing this story. Hopefully the story sounds more polished with these edits. I may or may not be adding an extra chapter. We'll see.  

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