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Right as you walked past, someone pulled you in the alley. You gasped and just as you were going to scream, their hand covered your mouth

"shh" they spoke in a quiet voice, almost a whisper. "I'm not going to hurt you". Their grip around you loosened, but you were still in his arms. You relaxed a little, taking a deep breath 

The person, who you could now identify as a male, rested his head on your shoulder hence the fact that he was behind you

Deep down inside it felt nice. To finally have someone hold you. Hyunwoo hadn't done so in so long

It may sound weird, the fact that you felt comfortable with a stranger back hugging you and resting his head on your shoulder. Although you hadn't seen his face, you could tell he was perfect

He smelled like strawberries and his hair felt soft against your shoulder. He held you so delicately as if you were a sculpture crafted by Micheal Angelo himself. He was breathing slowly. You could just feel his smile on your shoulder

Then it hit you

This is wrong. I don't know him

You turned around to lock eyes with none other than Jeon Jungkook

His chocolate brown orbs stared into your lighter brown eyes. His little smile was now visible

"What the hell was that" you asked, crossing your arms. " What do you mean?" You rolled your eyes"Are you trying to kidnap me". He chuckled"of course not, I'm an idol, that would completely ruin my reputation"

" I could just see the magazine covers now" you said. " 'Jeon Jungkook kidnapps twenty year old girl' " you held up your hand as you in visioned it

"I just wanted to get to know you" he said. You shook your heart in disbelief "that's not the way to do it". 

"Well I'm sorry. I won't be in your way anymore so bye" he walked away. You turned your body to watch him walk up the narrow road before turning the corner onto the busy streets, adjusting his cap

(Warning ⚠ the following contains an abusive relationship)

You arrived home shortly after. Your house was close to the shop so Hyunwoo may question why it took you so long to arrive

You took off your shoes before opening the front door to see your boyfriend sitting on couch of the tiny apartment. He looked at you. You walked over towards him nervously

"What took you so long" he asked, giving you a look that could freeze ice in July. You looked for an excuse "uh my boss had me do some extra work for him". He sniffed you like a dog

He shouldn't be the one sniffing you. It should be the opposite way. He reeked of cigarettes unlike the man you were with that smelled like strawberries. You obviously didn't tell him that though

" You smell like fruit. What guy were you with?" He questioned. " I wasn't with any guy. We have a new drink at work. Its a strawberry smoothie" you lied

"Oh really? What's it called" he asked. "Uh, just uh strawberry smoothie". You cursed at yourself for not only stuttering but for also not coming up with a more believable name

He laughed before slapping your cheek. Your cheek felt hot. That was going to leave a mark

You were also shooked at the fact that he slapped you. In your five or so years of dating he had never hit you. Why was he being so aggressive all of a sudden?

"I'm going to ask you again. What fucking guy were you with" he said through his teeth. "No one. I'm being honest" you replied between sobs. He wasn't satisfied with that answer and he punched you in the stomach

You fell to the cold hardwood floor, holding your stomach. He pulled your hair, pulling you back up. "Your lucky that hitting you was the only thing I did" he said, spitting on you before walking out the front door 


Sorry for the emotional chapter. Everything I wrote (second half of the chapter) plays a big part in the story line

Other characters will be introduced soon

I'll be updating my other story soon, it may be a long chapter so yeah

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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I love you guys from the bottom of my heart ⤵❤❤

I want to give you the universe because that's what you deserve, but I'm just a star amongst millions of other stars

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I want to give you the universe because that's what you deserve, but I'm just a star amongst millions of other stars

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