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In a shaky voice, he said " Chaeyoung is dead"

"W-what" you stuttered, trying to comprehend the words that had just came out of his mouth.

More silent tears fell down his cheeks before he rested is head in his hands in disbelief. Little sobs were heard from him and all that did was break your heart to see him so broken.

"Kookie" you whispered trying to grab his attention which you did.

His eyes were red and puffy and his nose was red. It looked like he had been crying for hours even though it had only been a few minutes.

"Noona" he said in between sobs as he hugged you tightly and rested his head on your shoulder.

It was weird for him to call you noona since you were actually two months younger then him but maybe he was just so used to calling Chaeyoung that nickname (since she's seven months older) so it was just natural for him.

They hadn't been dating for long but you knew Jungkook cared about her or he wouldn't be such a mess like this.

It went like this for a while. Where you two were only saying a couple words every two minutes. He would call out your name or say 'noona' while you just sat there and rubbed his back whispering 'it's gonna be okay, love" every so often.

It took at least half an hour before Jungkook was done crying. Although he was still sad, he wasn't crying anymore. Just sniffling.

He asked to stay at your apartment for the night, since he was used to going home to Chaeyoung but sadly she wouldn't be there.

Once you arrived at your place, you gave Jungkook some of Hyunwoo's old clothes that he had left.

"You could just sleep on the couch. I'll wake up early to make you some breakfast" you said. He nodded before laying on the couch.

"I have to wake up early anyways to go speak to the police so they can do an investigation on what happened to her" he sighed.

"Do you want to talk about it" you asked, walking closer to the couch. He shook his head " No. If I talk about the situation it'll just make me cry again".

"Well goodnight" you said, walking to your bedroom door. "Goodnight" you heard him say as you shut the door.

The next morning

It was now about seven in the morning when you woke you. You made sure to wake up earlier then usual today to make Jungkook breakfast.

You tried getting up from the bed but something pulled you right back down causing you to gasp.

You looked to your left to see Jungkook, arms around your waist and his hair slightly messy.

You stared at him in awe, amazed at how someone could be so breathtakingly gorgeous in their sleep.

"morning" Jungkook said in a raspy morning voice that gave you goosebumps. He smiled up at you, removing his arms from your waist allowing you to get up.

"What do you want for breakfast" you asked. "Whatever you have. I'm not picky about what I eat" he responded.

"How does toast and banana milk sound" You asked. He nodded.

You made your way over to the kitchen, preparing his breakfast. You heard the bedroom door open to reveal a once again, breathtaking Jungkook.

 You heard the bedroom door open to reveal a once again, breathtaking Jungkook

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He smiled at you before you went over to the counter to eat his breakfast.

An hour and a half or so later

You were parked outside of jungkook's apartment as he was inside talking with the police about what happened to Chaeyoung.

It was all over the news, in fact there were news cast in front of the apartment. News had immediately spread that the 21-year-old BLACKPINK singer had passed away and the South Korea was mourning the loss.

You could just imagine how her family felt. How her members felt.

Not to long after, Jungkook had stepped out the apartment. Hundreds of pictures were taken of him just within those few seconds by the disrespectful paparazzi.

How they could take pictures at a time like this?

When he got into the car he sighed and explained everything to you.

"I'm selling the apartment. I can't stay there knowing that her body was found there. That disrespectful to her and her family. I'll just move back into the dorm with the hyungs" he finished.

"What was the cause of death" you asked.

He looked hesitant for a second to speak. As if he just couldn't say the words.

"S-suicide" he said in a shaky voice. "What?!" You said in disbelief.

"She left this note before she- you know" he said, handing you a piece of paper.

Park Chaeyoung, October 22, 2018. 9:42 pm

I don't even know where or how to start this. I know you're probably disappointed in me for doing this but I felt like I had to. Although it had only been two months, I felt a deep connection between the two of us. But I also felt the connection between you and Soojung . I could tell she was important to you just by the way you looked at you. I despise her so much but I know how much you love her. In fact, I bet she's the one helping you get over me. As I'm writing this, your hanging out with her. I saw all the messages, Kooks. I don't know what went on between you guys or what relationship you two had but she clearly is in love with you and your in love with her. So that's why I did this. So I wouldn't get in the way of your future with her. In the end, I know you'll leave me for her so what's the point of wasting my time on you when all you want is her. I can't blame you for loving her though. Her eyes sparkle, her completion is flawless, she has a nice height and she's slim. She's just like any normal girl and I know how badly you want to just live a normal life with your future girlfriend. I genuinely hope your happy. I hope you treat her right and if you don't, karma will bite you in the ass. As much as I don't like her, I want the best for your future

I love you

Park Chaeyoung (Noona) February 11, 1997 - October 22, 2018

"Jungkook I'm so sorry" you broke down in tears, hugging him tightly

"It's ok. It's not your fault. I gave her everything. I tried reassuring her that she was the only girl for me but she didn't believe me. She didn't trust me" he said as silent tears rolled down his cheeks

"Jungkook, I will do anything to help you get over this. Anything you need, I'm here for you" you smiled

"Thank you, Soojung. I promise that from here on out I'll take care of you. As your best friend, it's my responsibility" he smiled back

A/n: did you like this chapter? Very emotional, I cried writing it. This was actually one of my favorite chapters to write so far. Sorry for the long wait. We have so much more of this story still to come so stay tuned 💕

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