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days had passed since you had met the boys and jungkook's feelings for you progressed more and more

his love went from the protective friendship kind to the kind where he wanted to be with you every second of his life

he had started making so many excuses just to talk to you or go to your apartment

while his feeling progressed, you just look at him as a best friend rather then a lover

you and namjoon would call each every night and talk until 4am despite both of you guys hectic schedule

jungkook would stay awake, eavesdropping on you and namjoon's conversations. he knew it was rude and he should never disrespect his hyung like that but he just couldn't help himself

his jealousy turned to sadness. he would cry himself to sleep. he was really head over heels for you, not just because you were beautiful but you made him feel so happy

he still stopped by the coffee shop to talk to you and drop you off at your place, but he never stayed long since all you would do was change out of you pyjamas and call namjoon

so there was that

since you and jungkook hadn't been talking as much, you promised to make it up to him by having a movie night a your place. plus, you had good news to tell him

Saturday° 9:40 pm

you heard a knock at your door and you jumped off your couch to open it

there stood a smiling jungkook, grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. you smiled back at him. "hey kookie" you greeted him. "hi noona" he said

you made popcorn for the both of you and you both decided to watch "13 Going On 30" as it was your favorite movie of all time

you layed your head on his lap for the remainder of the movie

by the time the movie was done, you had gone through three bowls of popcorn and your living room was a mess

"so you wanted to tell me some good news." he said. you then remembered what you were so excited to tell him and smiled at the thought

"ok jungkook so you know your my best friend and i feel comfortable telling you anything. you and i started off as a rocky relationship and we've kissed but ionly see you as a best friend"  you said

"of course soojung! but what's the good news?" he asked

you sighed, preparing yourself for what was about to happen "ok so im just going to go ahead and say it... namjoon and i are dating"

with those words, he felt his hurt shatter. it felt like there were a million needles in his chest. the woman he was in love with.. dating his best friend

"that's great, im so happy for you" he lied

Hey guys! two updates in a row! this one is short but I wanted to do a continuous of the last chapter as soon as possible. love you guys 💕💕

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