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You were back at work and as always, it wasn't busy.

Currently, there were no costumers but earlier in the day there were. Everyone who had came in would be talking about Chaeyoung, Jungkook, or how the rest of BLACKPINK was going to deal with this whole Chaeyoung situation

It was now eight pm and the store was closing in four hours. No sign of Jungkook yet but it was more then likely that he would turn up soon.

Not too long after, a girl who looked about 20 came into the shop. "Iced macchiato, please" she said. You went and made her coffee

"Here you are ma'am, that'll be $4.64" You said. She grabbed her coffee and gave you the money

Then stared at you, for a while, as if she had seen you before but just couldn't put a finger on it. "Hey, your that girl that Jeon Jeongguk has been hanging around with"

" Your the reason why Chaeyoung is dead. Your the reason why South Korea's best couple is no longer a couple. How could you?!" She shouted

You ignored her " Will that be all for today, miss". She scoffed before walking out of the shop

You couldn't believe it. Did people actually think this was your fault? You never wanted to ruin their relationship nor hurt the people that loved Chaeyoung

This isn't my fault you kept saying to yourself

11:42 pm

A smiling Jungkook walked into the coffee shop, making his way over to the counter where you were standing

"Hi Soojung" he said, reaching over the counter to hug you. You pulled him into a tight hug before whispering "Hi Kooks". You sighed recalling the memory of earlier that night

"Noona, what's wrong" he said, pulling away from the hug. You had gotten used to the nickname by now even though it had only been a few days

You sighed again "Sit down. I'll bring you some coffee and then we can talk". He nodded before taking a seat

A few minutes later, you walked toward him with his coffee. He thanked you before taking a sip

"So what's going on" he asked, leaning back in his chair.

You sighed for what seemed like the 50th time that day " A fan came up to me today and told me that everything that has been happening was my fault"

He rolled his eyes before grabbing your hand " I told you that none of this is your fault. Stop being so dramatic. I'm still heartbroken about Chaeyoung. She didn't have to end her  life just because she thought I was cheating"

"But you did cheat, Jungkook. She was right. Literally three minutes before Alice called you made out with you" you said

"I know, that was wrong of me. Look I don't want to hurt your feeling but that kiss meant nothing". Although those words did hurt, you tried keeping your cool by nodding

You then noticed that you two were still holding hands. You rubbed his hand softly with your thumb causing him to giggle

You both then saw a flash come from outside of the cafe. "Oh no" he said, recognizing the paparazzi

"Jungkook, you should go home before more rumors spread. I'll walk" you said, standing up from your seat

"Are you crazy?! If you walk alone, they're going to interrogate you. You going in my car" Jungkook insisted

"Fine, just get me home quickly" you crossed your arms. He chuckled " if I take you home, they'll follow me and know where you live. You're coming to my apartment"

" W-what" you stuttered. "C'mon, you'll get to meet my hyungs. All my best friends in one house would make me so happy" He pleaded

"벌금 (fine)" you gave in. You looked up the shop before he grabbed your hand, speed walking through all the people

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