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you woke up in your apartment, which your assuming that jungkook must've carried you to your room since you fell asleep in his car

you walked out of your bedroom and into the living room and surprisingly everything was..clean. nothing like the way you left it when you left the house yesterday

you then heard the bathroom door open to reveal jungkook. "what are you doing here?" you asked him

"i decided to stay the night since you fell asleep in my car" he responded. you rolled your eyes "whatever, i need to get ready"

his eyebrows furrowed "get ready? for what? "i have class today jungkook, it's Sunday, remember"

"ill be in the parking lot" he said before opening the front door and leaving

30 minutes later

you opened the car door and sure enough, jungkook had to complain about something. "what took you so long?" he said in annoyance.

you giggled " im a girl, it takes a while to get her. i should've kept you waiting for an hour, just to piss you off"

"i would've left" he laughed.

"so do you want to come over tonight, the guys want to see you"

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"so do you want to come over tonight, the guys want to see you". you shrugged "i don't know, only if namjoon's gonna be there, i haven't seen in a few days"

jungkook sighed "i doubt that he'll be home. last time i saw him was friday night, he said he was going to Ilsan and would be back yesterday morning"

"im just trying to not think of the worst" you said. "what do you mean think of the worst? do you think namjoon is cheating on you?" he asked

you nodded. "soojung, namjoon is a wise man. he can be dumb at times but he would never cheat on you. he's crazy about you" jungkook reassured you

"i know but i just don't understand why he's so distant, it's really pissing me off. but last time a boyfriend of mine was distant and i accused him of cheating, he turned out that he wanted to propose"

2:42 pm, jeongguk's car

you had just gotten out of class and jungkook had convinced you to go to his place

"is namjoon home" you asked. "hoseok hyung told me that he should be there by the time i get home but that's what he said last time"

you both arrived at the apartment and you were so eagered to go in. not just because you got to see the boys but you were also hoping that namjoon would be there

when jungkook unlocked the door, you were attacked by hugs of all the guys but namjoon

"soojung!! we missed you" hoseok yelled, along with the other guys agreeing

"aw i missed you guys too but i saw you yesterday" you giggled. "that was too long ago" taehyung whined

after they were done attacking you with hugs, you asked seokjin where namjoon was and he sighed and told you that he was upstairs

you ran up the stairs and entered his room to see him at his desk, writing something. he didn't even acknowledge you

"hey" you said, sitting on his bed. "hi" he said nonchalantly

"so are we just going to ignore the fact that you haven't called or texted me in eight days" you said, walking towards him

he said "sorry" and continued writing in some notebook

you were now beyond furious because you knew he wasn't sorry by the way he just calmly apologized as if he did nothing wrong

you snatched the pencil out of his hand in frustration. "namjoon! where have you been? i know you were in Ilsan the other day! i was so worried about you"

he got up from his desk so quickly and his sudden aggression toward you scared you. "what's your problem? don't you think i have better things to do then be with you every second of my life! i have family that i have to be with"

"ive been your girlfriend for almost nine months now, you should consider me family"

he chuckled "you were too busy hanging out with jungkook to even text or call me. maybe i would've picked up if you were hanging out with my best friend 24/7, you slut"

you gasped as you felt tears start to form in your eyes. "im so sorry" you said to him

his eyes softened when he saw you crying "no love, im sorry. i shouldn't have talked to you that way". he pulled you into a hug

"look, once my schedule is done, we can watch a movie. how does that sound?" he asked before planting a kiss on my head

you nodded before walking out to see jungkook not too far away from the door, listening. you giggled once you saw his expression

"that didn't go well" he said. "not really. at least we made up though, i guess"

"ill take you for some sushi tonight to cheer you up, ok?" he offered. you smiled and pulled him into a hug "thank you jungkookie"

"anything for you, noona"


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