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after all the incidents that happened yesterday, you were finally home

sadly, you had to go to work today so you were up early

while you were in the bathroom, you heard a knock at the door

you opened the door to reveal your sister standing there, still in her pajamas

"soojin, what are you doing here," you asked, letting her in

"i know that you have work soon but i needed to ask you something very important," she said, sitting down on the couch

you closed the door "im listening"

"so ive really wanted to study abroad recently and there have been many places ive wanted to go" she started

"go on," you said

"well, i was wondering if you wanted to come and live in Japan with me. mom and dad are ok with me going and i would ask soohee but he's preparing for his debut"

"why would i go with you? go by yourself"

"there are so many opportunities in Japan. they pay good and it's pretty safe to compare to South Korea. and im only 18, why would i by myself when i could take my lovely sister with me" she begged

"ok fine, but when do we leave," you asked

"tomorrow morning," she said, giving you a nervous smile

"what!" you shouted. she got up and tried calming you down "relax, mom and dad, are going to handle everything with your apartment and school. all you have to do is talk to your boss"

"i don't care about those things at all, all i care about are the seven guys that are going to lose their minds when i tell them," you said

"i'll drop you off tonight at their apartment so you can talk to them" she responded

11:49 pm; bangtan's apartment

you knocked on their door, nervously

namjoon was the one to open the door. he smiled and gave you a hug "soojung, what are you doing here"

you followed him into the kitchen "i wanted to talk to you guys about something"

eventually, all the boys, except jungkook, came downstairs and you told them the sad news

"where's jeongguk" you asked. "he just got out the shower so he should be in his room

jeongguk's pov;

I knew soojung was here and i was so excited because i could finally sit down and confess my love for her

normal pov;

you knocked on his bedroom before opening to reveal sitting on his bed in sweatpants

" jungkookie, i have something to tell you," you said, sitting down on the bed in front of him

"me too, but you go first," he said excitedly

you sighed, interlocking you guys fingers "promise me that whatever happens, you'll still love me"

his eyes soften and he held your hand tighter "of course noona. what's wrong?"

"so my sister wants to study abroad in Japan for three years and she wants me to go with her" you started

"and i agreed to go with her because there are so many great job options there" you finished

"when do you leave," he asked. "in three hours"

he sighed and looked at you "so this is it, our last few minutes together"

"you could always come and visit me. i'd gladly let you come and stay with me" you said

"soojung, the thing is that i don't know when ill be in Tokyo, we may just promote here and in North America. and if we are in Japan, i may not have time to come and see you"

"look im sorry that i have to do this but my sister really wants me to go with her and im excited to go with her. this is a great opportunity that im not going to reject"

"im gonna miss you a lot," he said, kissing your hand that he was still holding

"ill miss you too," you said, feeling your eyes start to water. you looked up to prevent the tears from falling down

"so what did you want to tell me" you asked. he shook his head "oh nothing, it's not important"

"well, i guess this is it," you said. He got up and pulled you into a tight embrace "text me when you're on the plane"

"i love you," she said
he closed his eyes and held her tighter " i love you too"

2:35 am; Icheon International Airport

to: jeongguk 💖🐇
im on the plane. see you soon 💜

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so this is it.the the last chapter of "coffee". sequel coming soon, loves ;)

 sequel coming soon, loves ;)

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not to be dramatic or anything but id die for him

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not to be dramatic or anything but id die for him

started: Wednesday, July 18, 2018

end: Sunday, January 13, 2019

'coffee' _jeoned

sequel coming soon

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