The Official Flocabulary Ten-Step Technique for Learning to Freestyle Rap
by Emcee Escher, esq.source:
(btw, this is going to be long)
Step 1. Start easy
No need to start off rhyming "the toasty cow's utter" with "most o' my flow's butter". No need to even rhyme. Just forget everything else and flow. The rhythm can be simple, the words might be second-grade level, but you're still freestyling as long as you make it up. This was my first freestyle rap, which I spit when I was 11 months old:I am funny,
I like bunnies,
Touch my tummy,
MummyStep 2. Keep flowing
You're going to make mistakes. You're going to sound stupid. Make your first freestyle rap verses your stupidest verses just to get them out of the way. Keep flowing. Can't think of a rhyme? Keep flowing! Stutter over words? Keep flowing. It's inevitable that at some point some of your lines won't rhyme, won't make sense, or that you will inadvertently diss yourself. (I knew one guy who accidentally dissed himself all the time when we were freestyling.) Just keep flowing. If you make a mistake, do your best to incorporate your mistake into your next lines like Eminem did on this freestyle:I take a beat and loop it,
I take a beat and choop it,
Choop it? What does that mean?
I don't know but I got fat jeans on,
And I already said that,
I don't know where my head's at,Another technique to use when you find yourself in a bind is to whip out a quick filler. Fillers are just little phrases that you can insert occasionally to give you more time to think of a dope line. Every emcee has his own fillers. For example, Eyedea says "I grab the microphone." Jin often says, "I'm (nasty) when I'm freeing." I usually say, "You know what I'm sayin'?"
Try to come up with a few fillers that you feel comfortable using. They'll bail you out of some awkward pauses. As you get better, you can rely less heavily on your fillers.
Step 3. Rhyme in your mind ahead of time
Here's the biggest trick to freestyle rapping: as soon as you know what word you're going to end line 1 with, your mind should start racing to find out a word you can use at the end of line 2. Let's say your first line is, "I'm colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard." As soon as you realize that you're going to end the line with "Blizzard," you should immediately think of something that rhymes with that word and might possibly be related:wizard
miss her
pins hurtPick one and then try to carve the second line to lead toward that word. Let's say you pick "wizard," your next line might be:
I'm colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
This is Lord of the Rings, you're the hobbit, I'm the wizard,If you pick "scissor," you might say:
I'm colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
A rebel since I was five, went running with scissors,The real trick of freestyling is to have your mind constantly racing ahead of what you're saying. This isn't easy, but you'll get quicker with practice.
Learn How to Rhyme and Rap
Step 4. Write
Writing raps will help you freestyle. When you write, rhymes become embedded in your head, and you're more likely to be able to pull these rhymes off the top of your head in a freestyle.For the most part, you should never spit a long pre-written verse at a cipher, but you can certainly use rhyming words and shorter phrases that you've worked out beforehand. When Proof rhymes "Ewoks, treetops, and Reeboks" in a freestyle, you better believe he's thought of those rhymes ahead of time. He's still freeing, but he's using rhyme words he'd already worked out.

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Ficção AdolescenteBased through researches and non-existent experiences | tips from idols, trainees, and trainers (produce 101, idol school, reality shows, variety shows, vlogs)