(DISCLAIMER) The content is not mine, I found it on Tumblr but I want to share it with you guys because I love you all.
link: https://smklpj-kpoptraineetips.tumblr.com/
Until You Do....
Until you actually get accepted as a trainee you should try and up your chances!
While auditioning for different kpop companies practice you should try to practice in between.
I currently get lessons in Korean, Japanese, vocal, guitar/piano, dance, and practice rapping privately.
I remember seeing the 'Grading' scale for SM back in the day: (singing:~ dancing:~ rapping:~
Language:~) and they would give you a grade.
Apparently this is this is something that many kpop agencies share: periodical evaluation/grading
Practicing can help you score higher on evaluations; 1 step closer.
Physical and mental.
Don't change who you are exactly, but get to know yourself and if you feel it's good for YOU, change a bit.
Know this answers to the questions fans will be asking you, no matter how minuscule. For example the questions on those kpop profile websites. Know your favorite food, hobbies, color. Don't be too indecisive. Know yourself and promote yourself.
When it comes to physical I don't personally like plastic surgery, but I'm a hypocrite. Don't just jump at plastic surgery if you don't want it. Your company will defiantly give you their 2cents about it when the time comes. When it comes to weight if you are underweight maybe gain some weight and tone yourself. If you are overweight(like me) lose some weight. I know it's easier said than done, but T.O.P got into YG after losing some weight. Besides, when you become a trainee you will be put on a diet to maintain and/or to lose weight along with a strenuous workout regiment.
Also face & skin,
Kpop idols in the have been known to have past and current acne problems. If you do too try a skin care regiment.
Skin bleaching: Now I know this is a touchy subject, but at the end of the day if you prefer your skin lighter LIGHTEN' dat Ish! It's your body. I personally prefer my skin at its lightest because it looks prettier to me and I don't have to waste money on 4 different shades of makeup for all the for seasons my skin goes through #MixedGirlProblems
work on personality. Charisma can make or break you in this industry. Charisma and charm are what makes people interested in you. And there are different types: like the shy mysterious type, but not too mysterious; or the outgoing super confident. Or a combination.
Little habits like biting your lip, having a sly smile, having intelligent conversations, or the way you speak. Anything that'll make people wonder about you.
Personal Message:
FIGHTING!✊🏼 Don't give up, audition for as many companies as you can, practice, improve~
I believe in you❤️
Kpop vocal audition?
When it comes to serious vocal lessons nothing is worse than having having no idea what your doing.
Get to know your voice; become completely intimate with it.
And be honest with yourself. You might not be the next Ailee, or Wendy, but that's not important; it's your voice. Find YOUR VOICE. Have uniqueness. Even if you don't like the sound of your voice or your range isn't very wide, it's called "trainee" for a reason. If you practice shaping what you have Company reps. will take you seriously. Besides most of the time if you show confidence, potential, and professionalism, they will train you.
If you don't know your range find it
Ex. My range: D3-A4
Breathe from your diaphragm
Have correct posture
Soft and hard palate control
Learn to have correct time and pitch
Always warm up and down
No smoking
*Sing songs that compliment "your" range and vocal highlights.
I cannot stress this enough. (I'm a contralto why would I sing songs for a soprano, with notes I can't even hit.) Get it?
If you need help finding your range
Download the sing sharp app. It has a Range calculator and warm ups.
If you need any song recommendations, send me your Range (lowest to highest) notes, and I'll give you some good pieces.
Trainee Fighting!!

Guide on becoming a Kpop Idol
Novela JuvenilBased through researches and non-existent experiences | tips from idols, trainees, and trainers (produce 101, idol school, reality shows, variety shows, vlogs)