Chapter 6

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sam's pov

  I can't say the night went at all the way I wanted it to. Sitting up on my bed, I yawned feeling like sleep wasn't a part of my night at all, mainly worried about how I was going to give it to Kayden and give it to him right! Honestly, I couldn't think of anything else. Not breakfast, not homework, no class or even making new friends. Luke was the only one  that was nice to me right now, discluding my mother.

As soon as I got out the shower I decided on a cropped shirt, some tights and a blue jean skirt with some boots. Not much right but enough heel to kick his ass. If Luke wasn't going to say anything, well let's just say I wasn't the type to sit back and see my friends take being bullied. 

When I walked in the school I looked around a bit for him but  the bell knocked me back into reality, I had class. All day my classes flew by with a breeze, mainly because my mind wasn't on anything else. Was it some obsession to get him back? It's what was invading my every stare moment, especially at lunch but it could have just been some weird teenage stress issue or something, I had no idea but right now, food was the last thing on my mind.

"Hey Sam," I was spoken to on my way to gym.

I simply waved giving a half smile as if I really cared about that right now. I wasn't being mean, my mind was made up and I knew what I came to do. Plus everyone that didn't speak to me before was acting weird, like they were being forced to speak to me or acknowledge I was in the room.

As soon as I stepped foot in the gym my eyes went to a very tall body, muscular pair of legs and abs to die for. Coach had a thick black towel draped over his shoulders walking out of the weight room. If one more sweat droplet fall down his chest, I would be licking my lips and other stupid things a body did once it was on some hormonal trip for a hot guy. Shaking my head I cleared my throat making my way over to him.

A smirk played on his lips as he sized me up. Completely.....

Ugh that perve! Well that very hot perve...... Focus sam I looked around to make sure no one was here yet, and thankfully they weren't. I Walked straight up to him and "OW" was all I heard as I slapped him. "What the hell!" he yelled at me. He looked really pissed off and I didn't care. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "Why the hell did you beat up your brother?" I asked.

Kaiden's pov

"Why the hell did you beat up your brother?" She asked me. That lying bastard i'm gonna hurt him so bad when I get my hands on him. "Because he deserved it for messing with my mate." I could see the confusion on her face. It's time to tell her i'm tired of waiting, I want my mate now! "Sam" I said. She kept talkng and talking so I grabbed her face gently and kissed her. Next thing I know is that i'm getting slapped. She looked in my eyes while I did the same I knew she could feel our bond getting stonger. She starts to lean in when the bell rings and people started to fill the gym.

Sam's pov

"Today class you will be running 1 1/2 mile today hope everyone has the right shoes. Shit I have my boots on which means I gotta sit out with him. Fml! Coach looks at everyone walk off to the track but me, "Samantha why aren't you doing what I have instucted?" he asked. "I don't have the right shoes for running" I answered. "Well you owe me a hour of class time so detention after school with me" He says smirking and winked at me as he walked off. I stood there mouth wide open. What the hell just happened? I sat there the rest of class just fuming. That stupid prick gonna give me detention because I wore the wrong shoes. After the bell rang I walked to my locker to get my bag and stuff, and headed to coach kaiden's office. "Look I can't talk about this right now ok bye." I heard him whispering. 

Hey guys please comment and let me know what you think. 

what do you think gonna happen in dentention??? 

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