Chapter 9

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 Sitting there and holding baby girl's hands, my heart wanted to do it's own flop and flutter. I was Alpha, why the hell was I acting weak right now. It was just that though, the way she smiled, the shine in her eyes....everything about her drew me towards her.

"Talk!" she snapped crossing her arms over her chest.

"Right.....listen Sam, I know what you hear from me, in the next few minutes sounds like Im lying but Im not...I promise."

"Okay, well...get to it then." she sighed pulling her hands away. I could hear my wolf groaning that she rejected us just by pulling away but he understood, we understood her.

"When Luke and I were little, we were given knowledge of special 'gifts' that we would inherit as we got older....these gifts have been in our family before we were born." I explained.

She nodded, wide eyed as if we were in a classroom and I was actually teaching her something other than physical education.I groaned feeling the regret and looked around. The rain beating down on the car reminded me of sometimes in life we just get unexpected things happen. The fact that she was human, it wasn't my fault or hers but she deserved to know what I was and how important she was to me, more though, why I felt so strongly about her.

"Luke is your half brother?" she asked and I nodded slowly.

"Why do you keep asking about my brother?" I frowned finding that annoying as hell. I wanted her mind on me, not my brother.

"Just asking, why does it matter! Just....continue." she sighed running her fingers through her wet brown locks.

"Right...." I said trying not to be distracted by the sweet scent her wet hair was giving off. "I'll finish."

I guess the longer I remained silent, the more aggravation pushed from both of us. One me for not speaking and trying to give my wolf a inner-calm that was hard as fuck because she mentioned Luke again! Two from just not wanting to spill it about our existence....I mean the elders would flip to know my mate was human not to mention it would be hard to watch over her, make sure no other wolves took advantage of her species. She would be an easy target as well as me and .....I just didn't want to risk it.

"I'm a werewolf" I blurted out and she snorted before her face flushed completely red. I thought she was about to hyperventilate or something remotely close to shock but she just busted out laughing. While I felt slightly offended, I had to remind my wolf and myself again about her species.

"Uh Luke a wolf too?" She said through her extremely now annoying laughter.

"Yes" I replied without as such as a smile or frown. I watched her act up just to see what she would say knowing I wasn't showing any emotion what so ever.

"Wait.....are you serious? Did you hit your head or go through some early aged crisis?" She looked around running her fingers through my hair, which I liked by the way. I growled and got out the car slamming the door.

A part of me regretted telling her....

To my surprise though, I heard the car door slam. Turning to see Sam standing there, her hands in front of her politely. The look on her face told me she was interested in understanding my world.

A smile crept over my lips.

It's all I wanted.

Meeting Kaiden(the other side of me I never knew)Where stories live. Discover now