O n e - This will never be my home

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I spent like a whole day on this writing so ya.

Please don't copy or anything!


I am just getting introductions out of the way and stuff. The part where they go to the high school and stuff is in either mid- chapter 2 or beginning of chapter 3

Start-August 1,2018

Andddddd cue the story *fade to black*


"Pencils, check. Erasers, check. Sanity, ha who am I kidding I was always insane." I whispered to myself.

"Hurry up or you are going to be late for your first day of middle school!" My mom's voice boomed through the kitchen where I was.

"Ok ok geez," I defend but whisper for my mom to not hear so I don't get into trouble.

"I can hear you lea." She shouts as she appears in the kitchen island and gives me a kiss on my cheek. Her nickname for me is Lea because it's the last part of my first name, saying it like lia sounds like you are saying " Lie-a" but it's actually "Lee-a".

My name is Axelia (Axe-a-lee-a). I know right, funny name. It means protector of mankind in Greek, my parents say I am going to do great things one day. Like protect people. I am 12 years young and today is my first day of middle school- grade 7.

I get off the stool I am sitting on when my mom says, "Stand up honey, I want to look at your exquisite outfit."

She looks me up top from bottom and smiles. I am wearing loose -almost basketball -shorts, and a sporty white Nike top. I am not one of those girls who wears clothes so tight that they look like a second skin, I prefer to hide instead on embrace it. It's not that I don't like my body, it's just I couldn't care less about all that stuff. And besides WE ARE TWELEVE, but the boy I like doesn't like girls like that.

"Um, that's what you're wearing?" She asks.

"Yes mother. " I sighed whilst rolling my green eyes.

Her phone goes off and her face goes as white as a porcelain China tea set when she looks at the caller ID.

"Honey," she manages out gulping, not looking at me," Go to school, you need to take the bus there and back today."

I don't like taking the bus, but something is seriously wrong and I don't want to argue. I have been determined to be a good child since my older sister disappeared 5 years ago.

My older sister was a role model to me, granted I was only 7 at the time, but she was always the perfect sister. No. She was the perfect person. But one day she was just gone and neither of my parents would ever speak of her again.

I nodded and made my way to the front door. I was just about to open it when the door comes in, revealing my father in running gear. He is pretty committed to his working out, so is my mother.

"Hi daddy," I beamed at him.

"Good morning A dubs," my father also has a nickname for me too. Since my first and last name both start with an A, he calls me double A. Like the battery because he says I am so full of energy.

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