F o u r - Amelia Aaron

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"Agent Axelia?" Penny kept repeating, waving a perfectly manicured hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I replied. I zoned out for what felt like forever.

"Are you even listening?" Her voice echoed through her office, hinted with a slight annoyance.

"Yes, It just takes me a while to process so much stupid all at once." I murmur.

Agent Penny sighed, she then continued to repeat what she had said whilst I was zoned out. "We have a source saying that the four of you are being hunted. This meaning that the hunters mustn't know you are agents. The best way to do that," she pauses, continuing her gaze over our group, "Is to go to a regular school, like regular teenagers."

"But why am I the only one getting a new name?" I ask. Her eyes focus on me, making me feel like one of her own kids, as if I had asked a slight off question.

"Because," she starts, "Aubrey and Zane were never in a public school. And Cody was homeschooled up until his parents accident."

"And?" I ask with a slight eyebrow up. I don't get where this is going.

"You went to a school with these kids, you know people at this school if you are simply 'Axelia Amren'" she replied with her finger quotations. "They will find out who you are, and it will give the hunters an in," she finishes.

"Oh," is all I could say back.

"Now," she focuses back on all of us. "You three are to go unnoticed until I say otherwise. You will all be posing as seniors at this high school. Axelia, you are to draw slight attention to yourself. You will be our testing dummy for now. We will see how well the hunters notice the attention."

I move slightly in my seat, " I am not some guinea pig!"

She smirks, "No you're even better, you're an agent."

I huff out a breathe of annoyance. "How exactly do you expect me to draw attention to myself?" I ask.

She encloses her hands and puts them in front of her, like a perfect student, and smiles, "Look, I have seen teenage drama movies about high school. There is always a 'popular clique'" her finger bow down in a quotation. "I would like you to join this group, maybe get a few detentions, and cause a little bit of drama."

She is actually letting me cause chaos! I thought I would never see this day come! *internally wipes fake tear*.

I narrow my eyes at her.

"Why are you glaring at me?" She asks as if she was bored of this conversation.

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust." I grin.

Her eyes go to mine, copying my glint. I -all of a sudden- blink, causing her to inch away and smile in victory.

"Now you all know the drill, sign please." She hands us all a sheet of paper that is mandatory for us to sign.

After everyone signs, I grab my pen and push down hard on the paper. I glide the pen along slow, finishing my signature with a fast swipe as I bring my pen off the paper. The whole time, I was looking straight in Agent Penny's eyes.

"Don't you sign to me in that tone, young lady." Penny laughs.

I roll my eyes and stand up. My team is already halfway out of the room, probably getting tired of when I always sign that way.

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